有几个选择 :
(A) ETA via https://www.eta.immi.gov.au/ETAS3/etas AUD20, 可用信用卡
(B)Via 马航买机票的counter, RM30 ( Penang Airport is one of them )
(C) Travel agent, RM20 to RM50, depends on negotiation
你可email去KLPR.VISA KL [email protected] confirm.
My case like below :
Dear Mr Tang,
Thank you for yourenquiry.
Based on the scansprovided, all the passports have a valid ETA.
Kind regards,
Department ofImmigration and Border Protection
Australian HighCommission, Kuala Lumpur
General enquiries andapplication lodgements should be made via the Australian Visa ApplicationCentre – VFS Global
Address: Suite 19.06,19th Floor, Wisma MCA, 163 Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur