Sunset Overdrive Free for Xbox Live Gold Members this Saturday
从今天11/22下午1点开始,所有金会员可以游玩24小时,微软并没有明确表示是游戏时间24小时或是实际时间24小时,此外也并不确定下载时间有没有包含在24小时内,希望是没有。不管是怎样,玩家都可以享受完整版的Sunset Overdrive《落日飙神》,不是试玩版本。而且你可以获得成就并且储存进度,之后如果你决定购买此游戏,你便可以从储存的进度开始。
免费游玩时间内,也可选择微软增加的八人多人模式”Chaos Squad”但是有些模式必须得先完成某像剧情任务才能解锁。
在免费游玩后的周末,Sunset Overdrive《落日飙神》开发商Insomniac Games将会在Twitch频道透露一些新的武器于接下来的更新,这更新将会在礼拜一11/24早上10大西洋时间(大马约11/25凌晨2点)推出。
To celebrate the first anniversary of Xbox One’s launch, Microsoft and Insomniac Games are inviting all Xbox Live Gold members to a taste of the Awesomepocalypse.
Beginning Saturday, November 22nd at 12.01 Eastern Time, Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One will get to play Sunset Overdrive for free for 24 hours. This is the full game; players will earn achievements and be able to save how far they progress during that 24 hour span. If you decide to purchase the game at a later point, you will be able to start again right where you left off.
Sunset Overdrive’s 8-player cooperative multiplayer experience, Chaos Squad, will also be available for everyone tomorrow. Please note: Chaos Squad must be unlocked by playing a certain amount into the campaign.
After the weekend, the Insomniac Games All-Star team will showcase several new weapons that will be available soon. Tune into the Xbox Twitch channel on Monday, Nov. 24 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time to see what’s on the way.
本帖最后由 weng0102 于 22-11-2014 08:05 AM 编辑