hey , 各位,我个人认为我们应该要多多认识我们自己沙巴的学校,才能了解到当年先贤们创校的艰辛。欢迎你们upload 你们年代的校徽啊,校歌啊,学校历史 和mission and vission等等。好吧,让我先来,我先post 上all saints 的校歌。
The Saints have worked and suffered too,
and they have won their crown,
they did the work God bade them do,
then laid their burden down.
they did it for our dear lord's sake,
they followed where He leads,
the world a happier place to make,
with loving gracious deeds.
and now we too, because our Lord,
would have us saints as well,
must try to make our lives accord,
with what the good Lords tells.
then when he wills, if we have earned,
his mercy and his love,
we shall emply what here we learned,
in praising him above.
Then, all the saints and we with them,
shall have eternal bliss,
And in god's own purpose and time,
be his and only his