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親愛的顧客,很高興向大家宣布一項消息: Suspended Coffee已經來到 senseno.com或 https://www.facebook.com/my.senseno 我們不僅將提供待用 “傳統的廣東特產” 給弱勢母親群眾及流浪者,更會以半價出售“傳統的廣東特產”為待用餐,讓這些孤苦無依的一群,不只是可以享用" 傳統的廣東特產“ 解餓,更可一有一份餐點可以填飽肚子,感受社會的溫暖!
與此同時,senseno.com將率先捐出20份的" 傳統的廣東特產“ ,期望拋磚引玉,吸引更多顧客響應此項極具意義的活動.
活動資訊: 日期:2013-8-3 開跑,無終止期限
詳情: 1. senseno.com特設的" 傳統的廣東特產“將以半價出售,上我們專頁https://www.facebook.com/my.senseno 的顧客可以向服務員說明要購買" 傳統的廣東特產“待用餐或電郵至 [email protected]
2.為確保更偏遠地區的弱勢母親群眾及流浪者也可受惠," 傳統的廣東特產“將收集至一定的數量,然後擇日派送.
4.為了減輕顧客的負擔及鼓勵更多人參與,我們設定" 傳統廣東特產“為“待用餐”價格低至近成本价.
其他資料: 待用咖啡(Suspended Coffee)源自義大利那不勒斯,民眾在咖啡館預購咖啡,留給付不起錢的人享用。這種新式助人方法在全球造成風行。
Please support and share our effort! Dear customers, we are thrilled to announce the arrival of 'suspended coffee' at senseno.com or visit our page at https://www.facebook.com/my.senseno
In addition to a cup of ‘suspended coffee’ to quench the thirst of the underprivileged and the homeless, a traditional Guangdong Special Local Product will also be sold at half of its original price. We hope to feed the poor and homeless mum, to fill their hungry stomachs and to feel the love and care from our caring customers.
To kick-start the programme, senseno.com is donating 20 traditional Guangdong Special Local Product, hoping to draw more support and, to attract more customers in response to such a meaningful activity.
Date: kick-starting on 2013-8-3, no dateline.
Details: 1. senseno.com would put up a selected traditional Guangdong Special Local Product for customers who wish to purchase the 'suspended meal' at half the original price. All you need to do is to mention your intention of purchasing a suspended meal upon order athttps://www.facebook.com/my.senseno or email to [email protected]
2. The traditional Guangdong Special Local Product would accumulate the suspended meals purchased and delivery to the underprivileged & homeless, this is to ensure those who can't travel in person would also have the chance to enjoy the traditional Guangdong Special Local Product from our customers kindness.
3. senseno.com will announce the day of distributing the suspended traditional Guangdong Special Local Product soon. The public are welcome to join our efforts in feeding the poor.
4. To encourage more customers into participating in the good cause of buying a traditional Guangdong Special Local Product suspended meal, senseno.com would set the price of the traditional Guangdong Special Local Product at the cost price
The tradition with the suspended coffees started in Naples, but it has spread all over the world. It's simple - people pay in advance for a coffee meant for someone who cannot afford a warm beverage
本帖最后由 前田利家 于 9-8-2013 07:15 PM 编辑
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