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发表于 4-5-2013 10:12 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请大家copy notes 的这封信,email 到联合国與国际透明组织,只要行动的人够多,就能够引起国际的注意!谢谢大家!


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Ladies and gentlemen,

We are the citizens of Malaysia, and hereby we report on the current pre-election situation to every one of the world. First and foremost, election is a democratic practice; it symbolizes the fair distribution of power which the Constitutional guarantees, hence allowing us to make decisions about a country’s future and policies. This includes deciding the country’s ruling party, the members of parliament and by extension any possible amendments to Constitution.

As many of you are aware, most democratic countries are progressive and have advanced civil awareness. Citizens form their social norms, collective decisions and common responsibilities through their combined voices. They choose their governments according to their own volition through the ballot box. Men are born with free will and rationality; we believe that men will make decisions based on a rational weighing of the benefits to the majority. However, respect and an upholding of rights are also conferred to the minorities as guaranteed under the Constitution, thus ensuring that the social stability can be assured and upheld. An awareness of the Constitution and its statues are crucial to the development of civil society, because only one will carry one’s duties well only after clearing understanding one’s rights.

While most democratic countries have upheld the principles of democracy, the unpleasant reality is that not all have.Corruption threatens and impinges upon the democratic process, leading to the collapse of civilized society. Through this letter, we would like to report several untoward incidents that have plagued the lead up to the 13thMalaysian General Election.

As of lately, we have observed many foreigners being imported into Malaysia. These foreigners are enter presumably as workers and are escorted by police officials. The arrivals of these foreigners are have aroused suspicions as their clothing (shirts and caps) are adorned the logo of Barisan Nasional, the current ruling party. Besides that, there are undisputed and affirmative news reports that these foreigners possess the Malaysian Citizen Identity Card, which is legally speaking, impossible based on our constitution.Our constitution has strict requirements for immigration applications, and the normal process takes years for citizenship to be granted. How can these foreigners obtain Malaysian citizenship, just within few days?

Meanwhile, most of these foreigners have been observed to be Bangladeshis, whereby they are employed in Bangladesh and sent to Malaysia for labor purposes. But unfortunately, these Bangladeshis have obtained Identity Cards illegally and preparing to commit fraud in the voting by supporting Barisan Nasional in the forth coming General Election. This is contravenes a serious diplomatic taboo under which nocountry is allowed to interfere in another country’s local politics. This is a perversion of a country’s sovereignty and independence. We are requesting international solidarity in condemning these incidents in order to exert pressure on the Commissioner of General Election to ensure the forthcoming election is cleaner and more transparent. Our voices are expressed through the petition “Stop your people intervene our local politics!” (http://www.causes.com/actions/1749459-stop-your-people-intervene-our-local-politics).Currently more than 15,000 Malaysians have expressed their objection and dissatisfaction through this petition.

Furthermore, the outflow Bangladeshi workers are managed by the Ministry of Expatriates, Welfare and Overseas Employment, which under the direct purview of the Cabinet of Bangladesh. Therefore, we are making an official inquiry to the relevant Ministry with regards to their role, or not,in permitting these workers to be involved in overt political interference. We request for a coherent and timely response. Otherwise, we will assume that Cabinet of Bangladesh acquiesces to this incident, and we will request for further international action to be taken against the Cabinet of Bangladesh.

We also request a formal response with regards to allegations that the Ministry has received illicit payments from Barisan Nasional in order to send such huge numbers of Bangladeshi workers. As a corollary, we also request Transparency International to provide necessary assistance for further the investigation.

We hope that the Ministry remains alert and aware of any worker departure approvals since we hope that Bangladeshis do not become mercenaries become involved in illegal activities that contravene Bangladeshi labor export policy.

Concluding this letter, but not the least, we hope for international support to make our Malaysian general election clean and more transparent through increased vigilance. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

Thank you.


(請在這裡放入你的名字) with concerned Malaysians
本帖最后由 JackieNg04 于 4-5-2013 12:03 PM 编辑


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发表于 4-5-2013 10:30 AM | 显示全部楼层
LZ 你有放在 fb 吗? 那边比较多人看到哦   ( 因为我去总政快讯找不到该文章)
本帖最后由 ran_area 于 4-5-2013 10:37 AM 编辑


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发表于 4-5-2013 10:32 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 4-5-2013 10:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
五月五 想清楚 五月五 已清楚 一定要干掉烂政府

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发表于 4-5-2013 10:44 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 4-5-2013 10:54 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 4-5-2013 12:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
leonstk 发表于 4-5-2013 10:44 AM


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发表于 4-5-2013 12:14 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 4-5-2013 12:38 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
小心, 你的信变成spam mail.
本帖最后由 ryansiow 于 4-5-2013 12:41 PM 编辑


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发表于 4-5-2013 12:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
JackieNg04 发表于 4-5-2013 12:06 PM


Please Help Malaysia

Please Help Malaysia

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发表于 4-5-2013 01:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
不是 direct google translate 吧?

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发表于 4-5-2013 05:00 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 7-5-2013 02:19 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 7-5-2013 03:48 AM | 显示全部楼层
圖落“勾結外國勢力”的指責,於民聯有百害而無一利。 ---唐南發】


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