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谁会算房子兴建中的 Progressive interest.
如题!!Loan Amount 300K. ![](static/image/smiley/default/handshake.gif) |
发表于 6-3-2012 12:19 PM
这要看developer如何向银行收款吧, 他们应该有一个schedule的, 可以向developer询问... |
楼主 |
发表于 6-3-2012 02:08 PM
回复 2# ah_chung
So let say the project progress is 30% at first year, 30% at second year, and last 40% at third year.
For under construction loan, the developer will request money from your bank base on the progress.
If the project completed 30%,then devoloper will ask your bank to release 30% from your loan and so on.
So the bank will also count the interest base on the money that already release.
Let say the interest rate is
1st year 1%
2nd year 2%
3rd year 3%
And thereafter BLR-2
For the first year,
30% released mean 200k x 30% = RM 60000
So the interest will be RM60000 x 1% = RM600 per year
So everyday interest will be RM600 /365 days = RM1.64 per day
so for Jan you will need to pay RM50.84 (31days)
Feb you will need to pay RM45.92 (28days)
and so on
For second year
30% + 30% = 60% released
200,000 x 60% = RM 120000
So interest will be RM120000 x 2% = RM 2400 per year
So everyday interest will be RM2400 / 365 = RM6.58 per day
so for Jan you will need to pay RM6.58 x 31days = RM203.98
Feb you will need to pay RM6.58 x 28days = RM184.24
and so on
For third year
30% + 30% + 40% = 100%released
So interest will be RM200000 x 3% = RM 6000 per year
So everyday interest will be RM6000 / 365 = RM16.43 per day
so for Jan you will need to pay RM16.44 x 31days = RM509.64
Feb you will need to pay RM16.44 x 28days = RM460.32
and so on
So in this case, your total interest for 3 years is RM600 + RM2400 + RM6000 = RM9000
Bear in mind all the money that you pay before the full release will 100% INTEREST only. Or else you request to pay more to principle.
When the bank already fully release the RM200k, they will send you a letter to inform you and let you know you need to start paying the installment already.
And the lock-in period will only start counting when full release for normal case. You can check it in your LO.
Mean if your lock-in period is 5 years, then your lock-in will start count on the third year, so total lock-in for this loan is 8 years
Let say your monthly installment for 30years is RM1000 per month,
I STRONGLY suggest to everyone to start pay your monthly installment RM1000 once you start paying from the 1st day.
This is because you enjoying 1% interest, why not start pay now to reduce more principle?
If you pay RM1000, minus the RM50.84 first month.
You can reduce you RM40000 by RM949.16 already
mean the next month you own the bank RM40000-RM949.16 = RM39050.84 !
And bank calculate interest base on RM39050.84 for second month, reduce interest summore!
People always happy to pay interest only cause they feel very happy to own a house by paying so little.
But do you know when your house finished, bank will start count interest with RM200k. All you pay before is nothing.
This all is just simulation only, rate and amount is not so accurate. |
发表于 6-3-2012 02:39 PM
回复 3# tkw_81
是对地, 不过要看你拿的贷款是哪个配套, 例BLR-2.4% throughout whole tenure... 这样, 你就要用6.6-2.4=4.2%来计算. 4.2% of 银行出了的钱, 除于365 (今年闰年所以是366) 再乘于每个月的天数(30/31), 那就是你每月要还的利息. 通常到最后几个月, 你将要还接近installment的数目. 然后一旦银行出完100%的钱, 他们会寄一封信给你, 告诉你每月的installment是多少(可能和你当初算的有差别, 因为BLR不断在变)... |
楼主 |
发表于 6-3-2012 04:35 PM
回复 4# ah_chung
哇哇,那利息嘛要很多下。。20K 叻
如果一开始供月期,会有回扣本钱吗?听说哦是没有的,要等到97.5%房子完成才开始扣本钱的。。是这样吗??? |
发表于 6-3-2012 04:46 PM
回复 5# tkw_81
要银行出信给你说开始给installment时才扣母金的. 比如300K, 利息4.2%, 供期30年:
利息 =RM 1067 (0.042 * 300,000 / 366 * 31)
installment=RM 1467
所以母金将会被扣(RM1467-1067) = RM400而已, 接着下个月的利息是用RM 299,600的数额来算, 以此类推... |
楼主 |
发表于 6-3-2012 05:08 PM
回复 6# ah_chung
有什么办法减低 Progressive interest 呢?
如果一开始就供installment (in construction period)
installment = (advance payment + progressive interest ) Am i right? |
发表于 6-3-2012 05:24 PM
回复 7# tkw_81
Progressive interests应该是指Construction其间的利息, 在银行还没有full disbursement之前, 你是没有办法还installment的, 也就是说没办法还多钱去扣母金的. 不过听说在90% disbursement时, 你可以写信要求早点开始installment... |
楼主 |
发表于 7-3-2012 09:48 AM
回复 8# ah_chung
这是 CITIBANK FLEXI LOAN,里面有提可减少 Progressive Interest..
详情我会问 CITIBANK 看有什么不同。。。
Flexible to deposit more than your monthly installment in any amount, anytime, and as often as you wish. No notice required or fees charged for extra payment, thus more savings.
Flexibility to withdraw excess payments whenever you need it in any amount, anytime you wish. No notice required or fees charged.
Daily interest calculation for more interest savings.
Option to start your principal repayments immediately even if home is still under construction, rather than merely servicing progressive interest.
No monthly maintenance fee.
Optional MRTA or MLTA insurance plan to safeguard your home. |
发表于 7-3-2012 10:11 AM
回复 ah_chung
Option to start your principal repayments immediately even if home is still under construction, rather than merely servicing progressive interest.
tkw_81 发表于 7-3-2012 09:48 AM ![](http://cforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
是在你的loan agreement里面吗? 要问清楚如何开始这个Option... 如果能, 就非常好! |
楼主 |
发表于 7-3-2012 10:35 AM
回复 10# ah_chung
这是我从 CITIBANK 网上找来的..详情会updated 你。。你有那间 BANKER 介绍?MAYBANK Ok?? |
发表于 7-3-2012 11:02 AM
去买有 DIBS 的新房,就完全不用还 progressive interest. |
发表于 7-3-2012 11:20 AM
回复 ah_chung
这是我从 CITIBANK 网上找来的..详情会updated 你。。你有那间 BANKER 介绍?MAY ...
tkw_81 发表于 7-3-2012 10:35 AM ![](http://cforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
这样你要问清楚了, Flexi Loan有分两种, Full 和 Semi... Full 通常要给月费(RM10)这样, 还有Current Account的费用...
不好意思, 我没有Banker介绍给你... 不过尽量找个方便你的银行, 毕竟以后几十年都要去的, 又或者上网方便transact的. Maybank是方便, 不过你要找对banker, 听说他们process很慢的... |
发表于 7-3-2012 11:21 AM
去买有 DIBS 的新房,就完全不用还 progressive interest.
harimau 发表于 7-3-2012 11:02 AM ![](http://cforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
如果心头好没有DIBS的也没法子啊! 哈哈!![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
楼主 |
发表于 7-3-2012 01:58 PM
回复 14# ah_chung
Maybank是没有月费。供Installament 和给Advance payment 用同一个 Account.给Advance payment 不用另先通知。。每次withdrawn Advance payment (min 1K) RM25 use maybank2u. HL bank 就要三天通知和RM50 Process free. |
楼主 |
发表于 8-3-2012 10:07 AM
回复 13# ah_chung
问了citibank,是 full flexi Loan。没有月费和maintainance cost。自由传帐。。
Construction其间的利息(Progressive interests),你可以 Make principal repayments 去减低Progressive interests。
1st stage bank release 30K to developer,U can save in 30K to make the Progressive interests become 0%.And u can withdrawn out the 30K if urgent with no any charge..
BLR-2.3% for whole tenure (no confirm yet) |
发表于 8-3-2012 10:27 AM
发表于 11-9-2013 12:53 AM
ah_chung 发表于 6-3-2012 04:46 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
回复 5# tkw_81
installment 1467 是怎样得出来的?
发表于 25-9-2013 01:31 PM
发表于 28-11-2014 02:44 PM
ah_chung 发表于 6-3-2012 04:46 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
回复 5# tkw_81
像请问一下。如果一间屋子under contruction。我要借35年,contruction period是3年,那么3年后还的钱是based on 35年来算还是32年??
屋子: RM 700,000
借90%: RM 630,000
Contruction period: 3 years
Loan tenure: 35 years
Interest after -BLR:4.4%
前三年是给progressive interest,那么三年后就要开始给installment,那么因该是要给 RM2,942 (35年)还是要给RM 3,060(33年)??
如果progressive interest不算在tenure里,那么真正供完其实是38年,对吗???那么给progressive interest不是不划算??
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