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发表于 14-6-2010 05:11 AM
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 05:12 AM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 3-10-2010 07:02 AM 编辑
funmania event,八点就醒了,准备自己的小丑服,还有order的balloon。
讲到这个event。event的前几天就开始筹备了,因为有mr xxx要我帮他们做气球,
你就来这里帮我们就对了。这个是一个charity event,没有钱赚的。
最后谈了,才同意,他会帮我拿气球,因为我是supply balloon的
价钱是retail price, 一包:28块。协议里,他就order了5包。
因为他还要求我当天做小丑,所以我就收他而外rm 50,
walao~ 简直就得寸进尺。我就告诉他,我收你的rm 50是简单的short performances,
如果你要两个小时,起码cost要rm 150,因为要使用比较耐的化妆品
星期六早上,我7.45am放工,cb customer拖了我15分钟的时间
第一,他们本身还有准备helium balloon来买。
还有就是拍照。。。可是没有什么leng lui的~ sien到
当天,我开的receipt是rm 284。
3 x rabbit balloon x rm 28 = rm 84
1 x love balloon x rm 50 = rm 50
clown make up rm 150
total rm 284
可是因为他的女老板说她准备了rm 290,所以就叫我写多6块钱,当着请我喝茶
回家我check我的personal带去的balloon,其实rabbit balloon才用到一包而已,
love balloon是我前一个charity留下的货品,所以是pure profit rm 50
clown 的化妆也是一样,是完全的pure profit rm 150.
所以自己的当天的extra profit是rm 262
一包rabbit的气球是算公司的sales rm 28,
(我自己有一个私人的气球和魔术公司~ magic & clown entertainment enterprise)
20个小时的工作换来的是更多的referral,和extra的rm 262+rm 28的profit,
When is Profit Bad?
Aside from money that is stolen or gained through fraud or deceit, is there any time that an honest, fair profit could be a bad thing?
I think there are at least three instances when I believe that a fair, honest profit is a bad thing and here they are:
1) When the profit is less than you could have earned doing something else more closely related to your core business. One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is failing to engage in their highest return activities. For me those high return activities are marketing and performing. That’s why I don’t get to post to this blog as much as I’d like to (even though this blog is a form of marketing in itself). When you spend hours working to build something that you could have bought for a few dollars, that is not a good investment of your time. You can say that it was profitable because you saved a few dollars, but if you could have spent that time in a higher return activity you would have earned even more.
This also happens when we work to please a client who drains our resources and cuts into our profits. When you have a customer who constantly haggles on price, demands that you stay longer hours, asks you to do things that you didn’t originally agree to, you can either fulfill those requests or not, but recognize that additional work at lower pay is a lower value activity. You can make a profit, but you shouldn’t aspire to cultivate clients like this.
2) A profit is bad if it is earned at the sacrifice of future profits. We shouldn’t be doormats to our clients, but even worse is gouging them or taking advantage of them. If we fail to nurture our customers and clients they have no incentive to return and do business with us again. I would rather make a little bit less on this sale and know that I will keep the customer for at least a few more years than to worry about going out and finding a new customer to replace the one I abused. The local printer I work with inherited the business from his father who still does business with MY father and now I do business with this same printer. He’s not the cheapest, but he treats us fairly, holds our hands when we need it, and is always honest. I remember several occasions where he told me to go to another print shop who could do just as good a job at a cheaper price. He lost a sale, but he kept a customer for GENERATIONS!
3) A profit is bad if it is made at the expense of your integrity or happiness. While it is important to treat our customers with respect and dignity, it is equally important to treat ourselves with respect and dignity. If you have to do something that you aren’t comfortable with, then the profit isn’t good. And this doesn’t have to be as nefarious as it might sound. If you are a birthday party performer who doesn’t do balloon animals and a client wants you to do them, you can either learn to do them (not a bad option) or you can simply tell him that you are not able to do them and offer to find someone who can do that. But you needn’t feel compelled to change your business model simply to please a client. |
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 05:12 AM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 3-10-2010 05:19 AM 编辑
Almost is no fun
In your race to the top in the game of life, the difference between successful and failure is frequently measured
in minute amount. The difference between happiness and unhappiness, making or missing a sale, being champion
or an also-ran is often measured in inches, but the different in the rewards for a winner and the also-ran is
There is no commision on the sale you almost make, no fun on the trip you almost take, and no security or joy
in the promotion you almost get. There is no thrill in the "almost" doing anything in the game of life. The thrill
comes from accomplishment and failure is having the right mental attitude.
Attitude has many facets and that's one of the reasons we cover it in. Take, for instance, your own attitude.
If you are a student and you study for grades, you will get them. But if you study for knowledge, you will
get even better grades and considerably more knowledge. If you strive to make a sale, you will probably make
it. Strive to make a sale in such a way that build a career and you will sell even more and build your career
in the process. If you only work only for salary, you will get one, but it will probably be small. If you work for the
betterment of the company your represent, not only will you get a bigger salary, but you will get personal
satisfaction as well as respect from you collegues. Your contribution to your company will be infinitely greater,
which means that your personal and proffesional rewards will be greater.
Experiences tell me:
Always strike for more... a bit more effort every time opportunity come to you.It won't be easy to build every
thing from a scratch, but a bit more means you are a bit more toward the goal of success. Put more effort in
everything that you do, endure a bit more when you nearly give up (not applicable in chasing a girl), a bit more
matured when you make a decision. A bit more in everything you do from today... and you will see the different
you in the next 3-5 years.
Do You Think Like a Gambler?
July 19th, 2006 Goto comments Leave a comment As a business owner, you have to be a risk taker, but this is much different from being a gambler. A risk taker takes CALCULATED risks with a large positive chance of payout. He risks on things over which he has at least some control. This is different from a gambler’s mentality.
I am not a gambler. I get no pleasure from watching my money vanish so quickly. Fortunately I have never had the good fortune of getting “lucky” and winning a large amount of money with little or no effort. If I had, maybe I would like gambling more.
But there is something I call “Gambler’s Mentality”. It is something that I think gambler’s share along with certain business people. I think it is a detrimental way to think. It is based in fear and fear-based decision making is almost never the best position to work from.
The gambler’s mentality goes something like this “This isn’t working well, but if I keep at it a little bit longer, my luck will change and I’ll make up for all these losses”
The two pricing models I wrote about a few days ago are both variations of this way of thinking and are why I don’t use or recommend either pricing structure from that article. Rather than set unrealistic goals and then systematically lower them until you are desperate, or conversely, systematically raising your rates by the week hoping to find someone desperate enough to pay your inflated fees, why not quote a fee that is fair to you and then gladly and graciously accept it when you present?
A gambler bets $10 on a long shot and ends up winning $1,800. Rather than being happy he screams “I should have put down $20! I always bet $20! Why did I only bet $10!?” This is Gambler’s Mentality.
When you book a job and three weeks before the speaking engagement someone offers you three times the fee to flake out and do their event instead, you should not even be tempted. You can’t have a gambler’s mentality if you want to build a long-standing business. Don’t get greedy. Set a fair price and gladly and graciously accept your fee with no guilt and no wondering how much more you might have gotten.
JOKE: The secret to wealth is simple…Buy low and sell high.
MORAL: You don’t have to buy at the LOWEST and sell at the HIGHEST.
–Julian Franklin
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 05:13 AM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 3-10-2010 05:20 AM 编辑
应该是每天的在念书。+上那边的教育制度是6天课。所以压力会满大的。。。 可是对我来说奖金才是最吸引我的地方
而有一天,ki siao的我突然告诉爸爸: “爸,有一天我要我的户口有1,000,000马币”
他们就再次问我: “你知道1,000,000就是1,000 x 1,000吗?”
我的父母亲收到的教育不高,所以在教导孩子方面 难免都会有个问题。那就是以暴力,鞭打的方式调教。
孩子们从小学习到大,其实都是用着monkey see monkey do的theory。。。
你做什么他们就会跟。如果你懂得为每一样东西以身作则,你不需要特地的设定某些规则。 |
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 05:14 AM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 3-10-2010 05:20 AM 编辑
保留~~~~~~~~ |
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 05:15 AM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 2-10-2010 05:00 AM 编辑
The Million Dolar Difference
There are many facets to this fascinating subject we call attitude. One of them concerns optimism. An optimist, as
you probably know is a person who, when he was out his shoes, just figures he's back on his feet. The pessimist
says "I 'll believe it when I see it". The optimist says, "I 'll see it when I believe it." The optimist takes action~ the
pessimist takes seats. An optimist takes a look at the half glass of water and says it's half full. The pessimist looks
at the same half glass of water and says it's half empty.
The reason is simple. The optimist is putting water in the glass so he knows there will be enough. The pessimist is
taking water out of the glass. It's almost a universal truththat the person who is taking from society with no real
effort to contribute, is a pessimistic and often fatalistic because he fears there won't be enough for him. The
person who is doing his best and is making a contribution is optimistic and confident because he is personally
working on the solution. In life, the difference between success and failure is often only an inch or two.
For example, The great race horse Nashua won over a million dolars on the race track in less than one hour of
actual racing. Hundred of hours of training were involved, but only an hour of competitive racing on the track.
Obviously, Nashua was worth a least a million dolars and a million dollar horse is truly a rare animal. You can buy
100 ten thousand dollar race horse for a million dolloars and that's a mathematical fact. The reason is obvious.
The million-dollar horse can run 100 times as fast as ten- thousand- dollar horse. Right? Wrong~ He can run only
25% faster, or it just 10% faster or 1% faster? Wrong on all counts.
How much faster can a million dollar horse run than a ten-thousand dollar horse? Several years ago at the
Arlington Futurity, the difference between 1st and 2nd place was $100,000. The Arlington Futurity is a race for
one-eighth miles, which as you well know is 71,280 inches. The difference between 1st place and 2nd place
was one of those inches. That's right there were 1/71,280th difference between 1st and 2nd place, I might
repeat that other inch was worth $100,000.
The winning jockey in the 1974 Kentucky Derby was paid $27,000. Less than 2 second later, the jockey who
brought his horse home in fourth place crossed the finish line. He was paid $30. Now whether that is right
or wrong is beside the point. That's the way the game of life is played and we cannot change the rules of the
game. What we can and must do is learn the rules well and then play them to the best of our ability.
Attitude is the "little" thing that makes the big difference. |
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 05:15 AM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 2-10-2010 05:30 AM 编辑
比较有趣的是那边会有传统的睦邻计划 rukun tetangga+ rukun warga
所以就会好像机关枪这样的速度 ~你们自己想象那时候的表情拉~
所以,如果说为什么我会有比较稳固的学业基础,很多都是这一个凶婆老师的功劳来的 |
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 05:35 AM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 2-10-2010 05:53 AM 编辑
可是,如果你并不是我们那一边的人~住大街城市的呢?我可以讲的是see you next life。。。
故意用他的老婆弄他升国旗,然后涅那些奸人就上了他的老婆,他们就把他的小弟切下来玩~ 他还没死
其他的大多数是烧焦了。。。还是整身涂鸦 |
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 05:37 AM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 2-10-2010 05:57 AM 编辑
Enthusiasm is an attitude
A positive attitude will have positive results because attitude are contagious. One such attitude is enthusiasm.
Elbert Hubbard said,"nothing great has ever been accomplised without enthusiasm". The difference between
good preacher and the great preacher, the good mother and great mother, the good speaker and the great
speaker, the good salesman and the great salesman is often enthusiasm. The word "enthusiasm" comes from
the Greek word en theos and simply means "God within". If you look at the word "enthusiasm", the last four
letters form and acrostic, "Iasm", which can stand for "I sold myself". If you are sold yourself and if you truly
believe in your cause, your company, and your product, then you don't have a "teeth-out" enthusiasm. You
have an enthusiasm that comes from the wellspring of all the resources within you.
Real enthusiasm is not something you "put on" and "take off" to fit the occasion. It is a way of life and not
something you use to impress people. It has nothing to do with being lousy and noisy; it is an outward expression
of an inner feeling. Many extremely enthusiastic people are fairly quiet, yet every fiber of their being, every word
and action, attests of the fact they love life and what it means to them. Some people who are enthusiastic are
obviously loud, but loudness is neither a requisite for, nor is it necessarily an indication of, enthusiasm.
My Experience:
I should say enthusiasm is a way of life. You can choose to be very optimistic and enthusiastic, or you can
choose to be pessimitic and down-feel. It is your choice my friend. It start with a habit, and it continue to
grow become an attitude, when attitude grow, it become a character. And it is what I said a away of life.
You can choose to have it and live with it or the opposite.
But, let me tell you a small secret of success:
Live your life enthusiasticly from now on, every single day.
And you will be surprise on how things are changing around you. |
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 05:37 AM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 2-10-2010 06:27 AM 编辑
Success is Inconvenient
April 7th, 2009 No comments Driving to the gym every morning is inconvenient. It’s a hassle to get up at 4:30 and go run in the cold. Even writing this blog entry takes up time that I could be spending watching Ellen or reading a book. I’ve got a mastermind meeting tomorrow afternoon and want to connect sometime today with my mentor (Karen McCullough, CSP - Branding, Generations in the Workforce) as well as Mike ThreeSixty Svat, THE Branding Guru in Texas. I don痶 know how I’m going to manage all this as I still have a long list of things I need to do in MY office. To make matters worse, these meetings are inconvenient because I have to drive across town and often have to do so in coordination with other people’s schedules.
But I’ve found that much of success is inconvenient, and I think that’s why so few people attain all their goals.
We want success, as long as it doesn’t interfere with our television schedule or require us to get up too early in the morning, or stay up too late in the evening; as long as it doesn’t require exceptional effort or long distance phone calls. Success would be just fine, thank you very much, if you can deliver it to me next Wednesday after 2 pm, but please don’t ask me to go out and pick it up myself. I want success, but I don’t think I want it THAT much.
I think that the way the economy is right now, the ground is shaking. There are people who have skated by on half-effort while collecting full pay. Personally I’m glad the ground is shaking. I’m looking forward to the disruption, though I wish it didn’t have to be so painful. The future is bright for those who are hungry for opportunity. Right now is a great time to proactively seek out opportunity.
Just be warned that it will probably be at least a little bit inconvenient. |
发表于 14-6-2010 08:12 AM
近来过得好吗![](static/image/smiley/default/tea.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/tea.gif) |
发表于 14-6-2010 08:33 AM
++++++油![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
发表于 14-6-2010 10:05 AM
发表于 14-6-2010 01:19 PM
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 04:24 PM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 2-10-2010 06:27 AM 编辑
简直什么都不会~ 考试就偷看旁边人的。。。可是还是不及格。。。还给人家欺负
虽然华文的东西就很差,可是马来文就很好,超越水准 ,那时候写的作文,可以说是一个错误都没有,可是还被扣分
原因是4年级时还不能写那么高水准的文字。。。可是还是ok拉~ 95分
然后就参了一堆废材,整天很喜欢吃jojo mamme的零食,当时jojo是有送动物形状的rubber的
所以很喜欢拿rubber来玩。。。玩到给老师鞭 |
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 04:25 PM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 2-10-2010 06:28 AM 编辑
班上每天都吵吵闹闹,老师也不知道怎么交书,恐怖的是有些学生连简单的 a 到 z 也不会
年尾的考试,我考33名。。。 ,我不喜欢和亲戚生活的原因也有一个~他们是吃斋的,要我们跟他们吃。。。吃到我要死掉
UPSR就这样度过了~还算可以吧。。。3A 1B 3C
不用讲也知道咯。。。后面的3C是中文的科目的 ,可是还是算很满意的度过小学时制度。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 04:26 PM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 2-10-2010 06:20 AM 编辑
因为要花多点的时间填补自己的不足,可是怎么知道~ 老师说没有那么必要
演讲方面~冠军肯定是归我了 ,那其他的比赛就像书法,球类,等等就还算不错
一年里面最少赢了6个奖项 ,因为当时我也是跟一个朋友比赛谁的奖项较多 |
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 04:27 PM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 2-10-2010 06:37 AM 编辑
小学时期,钱偷了哪来做么呢~ 就拿来买新的铅笔盒,shacker铅笔之类的
那么大罐的东西也给我格到~ 满足感十足。。。
改变自己的第一步~ 别想就直接去做
突然又有一个念头 ,“与其去偷,不如靠自己的聪明来赚这些钱回来。。。”
即使到最后,钱原来并不是你拿的~ 那种冤枉的感觉我很明白,也是因为这种感觉,很多人就放弃了改变自己的念头
我想放弃~ 可是自己却坚持自己的意志,当时就因为不想看妈妈的脸色拿零用钱,自己在外面打part time工
楼主 |
发表于 14-6-2010 04:27 PM
本帖最后由 Justinclown 于 2-10-2010 06:32 AM 编辑
February 1st, 2010 4 comments I was at a party recently and bumped into Daniel Garcia, a long-time friend of mine. He was demonstrating something quite impressive to a group of fans and they asked him “How do get to be that good”. In his usual modest way he said, “You just do it. You just do it over and over”.
And it’s true. In the ten plus years that I’ve known Daniel I have never seen him without a deck of cards in his hand or in his back pocket. Daniel is amazingly disciplined in his approach to magic. Of course he loves what he does and that probably makes it easier. But I knew Daniel when his hands got burned.
If you ever get the chance to talk to Daniel, ask him about this. You can still see the scars on his hands. The scabs were so thick he couldn’t bend his fingers and when the skin finally grew back it was so tight and stretched over his fingers that his doctors told him he would not be able to manipulate cards again.
But Daniel practiced anyway. He practiced because he loves magic. But he practiced past that. He practiced when it was boring and he practiced even when it was painful. He practiced when every coin palm stretched the skin on his fingers to the point of pain. He practiced when holding a deck of cards caused him to wince. He practiced when he wanted to, and he practiced when he DIDN’T want to. He practiced with discipline.
You just do it. You just do it over and over.
I work out because I’ve discovered this is what disciplined people do. I’ve also discovered that disciplined people have other character traits that rise from their discipline. They tend to be wealthier, healthier, and have more manageable lives.
This is not just a guess on my part. Thomas Stanly (author of “The Millionaire Next Door“) found a similar correlation that he describes in another of his books, “The Millionaire Mind“. Stanley writes “The majority of millionaires exercise regularly…those with net worths of $10 million or more had the highest incidence of regular exercise.” He goes on to speculate why this might be true but admits that whatever the reason for this correlation, he had met “very few self-made millionaires who are lethargic or even noticeably overweight”.
So there is a correlation between fitness and wealth, but I don’t think that fitness causes wealth or that being wealthy makes you more likely to work out. Instead, I believe that both of these traits are the result of discipline. Disciplined people love cheesecake just as much as everyone else, but they control their behavior in the face of temptation. Disciplined people love the comfort of a warm bed just as much as everyone else, but they choose to leave the comfort and travel to the gym or the track. Disciplined people have things they want to buy and own just like everyone else, but they limit their spending to less than they earn and they invest a pre-determined amount. Disciplined people can be sidetracked and unfocused just like anyone else, but they work to stay on-task while they practice, train, study, and learn.
These disciplined actions pay dividends over the long term. They pay dividends of fitness and health. They pay dividends of financial security. They pay dividends of expertise and skill and talent.
These disciplined actions permeate other areas of a person’s life. As you become more disciplined in one area, it is much easier, and sometimes almost automatic, that you become more disciplined in other areas of your life. When Daniel Garcia and I were recently able to break away from the crowds that seem to gather and follow him, we were able to talk in private for a few minutes. We spoke about how disciplined he has to be in other areas of his life as well.
“Man, I love talking about magic. I could sit here at this party all night long talking magic with these guys. But I have a phone call with a guy in England that’s scheduled for 8:30 tomorrow morning and I have to be awake and ready to go”. And his life is filled with these scheduled calls, lectures, talks and appearances with greater and greater frequency.
He confided in me that “I seriously sometimes need to set a timer when I get on MySpace or Facebook because I just love talking to all my peeps. Those sites let me connect with a lot of people really quickly, but I can get sucked into that real fast, too.” The more disciplined you are, the more talent you develop, the more fans you generate, the more in-demand you become, and the more disciplined you need to be. Your success is only limited by your capacity to be disciplined.
The good news is that discipline is not something you are born with. By nature we all tend to seek the path of least resistance. This is normal and usually a good thing. But we are also forward-looking beings and by imagining the future we are able to shape it as we want. Discipline is simply a matter of looking forward and thinking about tomorrow and next week and next year.
When I worked as a teacher I systematically saved 20% of my income, which was very difficult to do on a teacher’s salary. Today, the money that I saved during my 8 years as a teacher is less than 10% of my net worth but the discipline that I developed in the process of saving that money is what enabled me to accumulate the other 90% of what I own. Said another way, the discipline to save and invest was far more valuable than the money earned through the saving and investing.
In fact, I’ve come to understand that the discipline just might be the most important character trait I strive to develop since it allows for all the others to shine. A loyal spouse is a disciplined person. A prolific writer is a disciplined writer. A healthy person is a disciplined eater and mover.
And a disciplined person is not one who suffers or deprives themselves. Just the opposite is true. A disciplined person knows that the path to wealth is not an overnight journey, but a long, steady progression of steps. The path to excellence is not a week of late night jam sessions, but rather a steady progression of regular practice. The path to fitness is not losing 30 pounds in two weeks, but rather a healthy, steady progression. Slow and steady is how we gain weight and it is how we lose it. Debt creeps up on us and it takes time to beat it back down. Lethargy steals a night from us as we stare at the television, but the next day we can decide to rehearse instead.
Discipline is like a muscle or a skill. It must be practiced and exercised in order for it to develop and get stronger. The more you work toward your goals, the easier they all become. Work, not just for the goal itself, not just for the immediate benefit that will come from your success, but for who you will become in the process of attaining that goal.
You will become a person of discipline and it will reflect in all areas of your life. |
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