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Anwell Technologies Limited 宏威科技

楼主 |
发表于 11-11-2009 11:13 PM
Anwell Technologies Limited 宏威科技


楼主 |
发表于 11-11-2009 11:18 PM
Anwell Technologies Limited 宏威科技
AnwellTech 宏威科技G5X | 第一股板 | 制造业1
| [size=+3][size=+1]S$0.685[size=+0] | +0.040 +6.20% | 买入: 0.685 | 交易量 : 1,905,000 | 卖出: 0.690 | 11-11-09 17:05:03 | CPF | |
开市 : | 0.640 | 总股数 : | 254.639m | 本益比 : | -- | 最高 : | 0.690 | 市值 : | S$174.428m | 盈利 : | HK$ -0.397 | 最低 : | 0.635 | 52周最高: : | 0.690 | 股息 : | -- | 最新闭市 : | 0.645 | 52周最低 : | 0.150 | 获益率 : | -- | 言论 : | -- | 平均交易量 : | 452,560 | 净资产 : | S$0.768 | 股价/账面值 : | 0.89 |
年-月 | 最高 | 最底 | 平均闭市 | 平均成交量 | 2008-07 | 0.650 | 0.550 | 0.591 | 108 | 2008-08 | 0.650 | 0.450 | 0.540 | 114 | 2008-09 | 0.500 | 0.350 | 0.439 | 234 | 2008-10 | 0.400 | 0.250 | 0.322 | 404 | 2008-11 | 0.400 | 0.200 | 0.250 | 320 | 2008-12 | 0.250 | 0.150 | 0.198 | 72 | 2009-01 | 0.215 | 0.155 | 0.194 | 54 | 2009-02 | 0.260 | 0.180 | 0.204 | 39 | 2009-03 | 0.225 | 0.170 | 0.189 | 36 | 2009-04 | 0.200 | 0.165 | 0.178 | 140 | 2009-05 | 0.260 | 0.175 | 0.204 | 236 | 2009-06 | 0.445 | 0.255 | 0.337 | 97 | 2009-07 | 0.335 | 0.260 | 0.291 | 67 | 2009-08 | 0.380 | 0.310 | 0.343 | 200 | 2009-09 | 0.665 | 0.340 | 0.520 | 2,440 | 2009-10 | 0.585 | 0.410 | 0.520 | 713 | 2009-11 | 0.690 | 0.525 | 0.594 | 1,395 |

楼主 |
发表于 11-11-2009 11:33 PM

楼主 |
发表于 11-11-2009 11:49 PM
Anwell Technologies Limited 宏威科技
Written by Robert Stone | Monday, 02 November 2009 |
Leong Chan Teik says > Robert Stone is not your conventional investor – he understands pretty well the industry dynamics of the companies he invests in and he is into them for the long haul, even if some of the stocks don’t do well for quite a while.
If that begins to sound like Warren Buffett, he has the results to vindicate his approach which has led him to become a millionaire many times over.
Just consider his $2 million investment in the convertible notes of Anwell Technologies last year. And his $1 million cash investment for a stake in a new subsidiary of Singapore Windsor a few months ago.
Anwell’s CFO Ken Wu was in town recently for a roadshow to highlight the solar business that the company is about to go full swing into. Around that time, in my regular email interaction with Robert, I caught a whiff of Robert's views of Anwell's solar business. That eventually escalated into a full-blown article, upon my request, here.
Robert Stone owns 4.5 m shares of Anwell, and has invested $2 m in Anwell's convertible notes.
WHEN I INVESTED S$2m in the convertible notes of Anwell’s solar division just prior to the collapse of Lehman Brothers last year, I thought the biggest risk associated with the investment was whether or not the thin film solar line Anwell was building would actually work.
After the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the freezing of the credit markets, it seemed that not having sufficient cash to carry on with the solar project might be the greatest risk. However, with the government grants the company received as well as the cash flow from the optical disc business, cash has not been an issue for the company.
In the last 6 months or so, prices for both crystalline silicon and thin film solar modules have crashed due to a lack of financing for solar projects as well as overcapacity in the crystalline silicon sector.
On the positive side, Anwell has proven the ability of its equipment to manufacture thin film panels. On balance, I think the risk of the solar subsidiary being unsuccessful is less now that it was a year ago.
The recently-announced MOU with Solargen is potentially a huge source of income for the company. Assuming a range of US$0.20 to US$0.50/watt net profit, the total profit from this deal if it eventuates could range from US$250m to US$625m over a period of perhaps three years.
This is a huge amount but it’s not the potential profit that I think is significant. Instead, it’s the fact that an end user of thin film panels has chosen Anwell over Applied Materials. This despite Solargen stating on its website that it intends to use Applied Materials equipment.
Also significant is that Solargen has chosen Anwell’s amorphous silicon thin film technology over all the other types of technologies available. For solar generating plants, it ultimately boils down to which company and technology can provide panels at the lowest US$/watt.
The recent drop in thin film panel prices, while not necessarily favorable for Anwell’s panel manufacturing business, should benefit its equipment manufacturing business if lower prices spur greater demand for thin film panels.
I’ve always considered the solar equipment manufacturing segment the gem in the whole range of Anwell’s businesses. When it takes off, profit margins are likely to be high in comparison to any of the other business segments.In the longer term, the greatest potential for solar power generation is in China itself. Thomas Friedman recently described China’s decision to ‘go green’ as the 21st century equivalent of the Soviet Union’s sputnik launch.
There may be some hyperbole in that, but the seriousness of the Chinese leadership towards cleaning up the environment and reducing emissions from power generation should not be underestimated.
Although the government is not agreeing to mandatory caps on emissions under the Kyoto agreement, I believe that China will make larger and quicker cuts than any other major economy. This is not just about their determination to clean up the environment but is also due to the greater degree of control over the economy that they have relative to any other major country.
Specifically, the Chinese government has recently pledged to generate 15% of power from renewable sources by 2020. The target for solar power was raised from 1.8Gigawatts (GW) to 10GW by 2020. At the end of 2008, the installed solar capacity in China was in the order of only 100MW. The targeted installed capacity of solar is thus 100 times the existing capacity in 2008.
For wind power, the targets set by the Government just a few years ago have already been greatly exceeded. My bet is that the same success will occur with solar power generation in the next few years.
It will take some time for these plans to pan out. There are currently bottlenecks in the transmission infrastructure and a subsidy for solar power generating plants has only recently been decided upon as part of the ‘Golden Sun’ initiative.
In the last few months, several large solar farm agreements have been announced, the largest being 2GW in Inner Mongolia with First Solar providing the panels. These projects are likely to be just the first of many more which will be announced in the next few years.
Why is it reasonable to suppose that Anwell might benefit from this expansion in installed Chinese solar power generating capacity? If the solar power generating industry in China develops like the wind power industry there will be a favoring of domestic Chinese companies in the awarding of Government contracts.
Anwell may have an edge in winning contracts to supply panels and thin film manufacturing systems when bidding against foreign competitors. Anwell does not have any directly comparable domestic competition in the thin film sector so they will not just have the advantage of being the only Chinese company, they will also enjoy a much lower cost structure than their foreign competitors.
Negative operational earnings for 3-4 quarters?
Anyone investing in Anwell now should expect to be patient. In my opinion, it is likely to be well into financial year 2010 before any significant income accrues to the listed company from the solar subsidiary.
In the meantime, I doubt that the earnings from the optical disc businesses will be great enough to overcome the drag of depreciation charges on the bottom line. For the next 3 or 4 quarters, I will not be surprised if operational earnings remain negative.
What is important during this period is that the cash flow from the optical disc business remains good and the amount of cash the company has on its balance sheet is sufficient. On both these counts, I think there is no major cause for concern.
In the last few months of 2008 and the first half of 2009, I accumulated 4.5m shares. I’ve started buying again, having just recently overcome my normal disinclination to buy anything that has escalated three times in price in the span of a few months.
Franky Fan, chairman and CEO of Anwell, welcoming Premier Wen Jiabao to Anwell's factory in China in 2008.

楼主 |
发表于 16-11-2009 12:09 AM
Anwell Technologies Limited 宏威科技

因为这只股票其动力讯号大致上已进入升势。 |
发表于 16-11-2009 02:00 PM
WSJ: 中國補貼太陽能政策蘊含長期風險
單是日本就擁有10多家太陽能電池和模塊生產商﹐其中包括夏普公司(Sharp Corp.)、日立公司(Hitachi Ltd.)以及本田汽車(Honda Motor Co.)旗下全資子公司Honda Soltec等。市場空間正變得越來越擁擠。夏普公司正在興建一家工廠﹐大約一年內投產﹐屆時產量可能增長至多69%。韓國的三星電子(Samsung Electronics Co.)和LG Corp.也在尋求大舉進軍該市場。印度的Webel-SL Energy上週五宣佈﹐正在投資興建第二家工廠。這更別提已經從事該領域的諸多中國公司了。據統計﹐全球目前至少有30家上市的太陽能電池和模塊生產商。但還沒有哪家公司能夠主宰這個市場。根據Macquarie Research的數據﹐中國的尚德太陽能電力有限公司(Suntech Power Holdings Co.)、日本的夏普公司和德國的Q-Cells SE各控制著大約10%的市場份額。這一佔有率也未給夏普公司帶來盈利。據瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)預計﹐夏普公司截至明年3月的當前財年將在太陽能電池領域獲得接近16億美元的收入﹐但可能將出現超過1.5億美元的營運虧損﹔主要受低迷的需求以及日圓計價的價格下滑40%拖纍。預計隨後一年夏普公司也將出現虧損。
中國的林洋新能源(Solarfun Power Holdings)上週公佈第四財季虧損6,100萬美元﹐主要是因為需求疲軟和庫存高企導致太陽能電池均價下滑了17%。尚德太陽能也公佈了虧損﹐並警告稱當前財季虧損可能會進一步擴大。中國政府提供補貼的利好消息蓋過了所有這一切。林洋新能源股價飆升將近42%﹐尚德太陽能上漲43%﹔其他市場﹐Webel股價上漲11%。不過﹐市場對補貼的這種敏感性也可能會帶來不利後果。Macquarie Research說﹐日本於2006年停止對光電電池領域提供補貼﹐隨後一年該領域的銷售額就驟降了27%。這是一個最好擁有重重保護才進行投資的領域。 |
发表于 16-11-2009 02:03 PM
对于一个需要高投资,低利润的行业,最好是找实力雄厚,有重保险保护的公司。 |
发表于 16-11-2009 02:04 PM
第一条 根据国务院《关于印发节能减排综合性工作方案的通知》(国发[2007]15号)及《财政部建设部关于印发<可再生能源建筑应用专项资金管理暂行办法>的通知》(财建[2006]460号)精神,中央财政从可再生能源专项资金中安排部分资金,支持太阳能光电在城乡建筑领域应用的示范推广。为加强太阳能光电建筑应用财政补助资金(以下简称补助资金)的管理,提高资金使用效益,特制定本办法。
第二条 补助资金使用范围
第三条 补助资金支持项目应满足以下条件:
第四条 鼓励地方出台与落实有关支持光电发展的扶持政策。满足以下条件的地区,其项目将优先获得支持。
第五条 本通知发出之日前已完成的项目不予支持。
第六条 2009年补助标准原则上定为20元/Wp,具体标准将根据与建筑结合程度、光电产品技术先进程度等因素分类确定。以后年度补助标准将根据产业发展状况予以适当调整。
第七条 申请补助资金的单位应为太阳能光电应用项目业主单位或太阳能光电产品生产企业,申请补助资金单位应提供以下材料:
第八条 申请补助资金单位的申请材料按照属地原则,经当地财政、建设部门审核后,报省级财政、建设部门。
第九条 省级财政、建设部门对申请补助资金单位的申请材料进行汇总和核查,并于每年的4月30日、8月30日前联合上报财政部、住房和城乡建设部(附表)。
第十条 财政部会同住房城乡建设部对各地上报的资金申请材料进行审查与评估,确定示范项目及补助资金的额度。
第十一条 财政部将项目补贴总额预算的70%下达到省级财政部门。省级财政部门在收到补助资金后,会同建设部门及时将资金落实到具体项目。
第十二条 示范项目完成后,财政部根据示范项目验收评估报告,达到预期效果的,通过地方财政部门将项目剩余补助资金拨付给项目承担单位。
第十三条 补助资金支付管理按照财政国库管理制度有关规定执行。
第十四条 各级财政、建设部门要切实加强补助资金的管理,确保补助资金专款专用。对弄虚作假、冒领、截留、挪用补助资金的,一经查实,按国家有关规定执行。
第十五条 本办法由财政部、住房城乡建设部负责解释。
财政部 住房和城乡建设部
二〇〇九年三月二十三日 |
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