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[課程] Investing in High Yield Stocks, REITS & Business Trusts
Date : | 11 Apr 09 to 11 Apr 09 | Time : | 9:00 AM - 12:30 AM | Venue : | SGX Auditorim (Level 2)
2 Shenton Way
SGX Centre 1 | Capacity : | 150 | Fee : | S$ 30 (incl. GST. Fees cost $10-$20 more for non-online payment. Please see details below) | Level : | Beginner to Intermediate | Category : | Seminars | Description : |
To Be Advised
Registration Email: [email protected] For further enquiries, please call 6327-5438 (Operating Hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm, Weekdays excluding public holidays) Terms and Conditions
Closing Date :
All seminar/course registration applications must be received by SGXAcademy Secretariat 10 business days (unless otherwise stated) beforethe seminar/course commences.
Singapore Exchange reserves the right to make changes to the time,date, syllabus, speakers, venue or cancel the course if warranted bycircumstances beyond its control.
The fees displayed on this website is for online payment only.
An additional $10 charge is applicable for non-online payments.
Senior Citizens will have this additional fee waived.1 for 1 discount is available for members of partner tertiary students’ investment clubs.
Please contact [email protected] to provide the name of the second person, with reference to the main registrant.
Bothstudents must be from the same university and must producematriculation card on site. This offer is limited to one purchase perstudent for each event.
This offer is subject to availability of seats.Cancellation and Transfer Policy:
Cancellation for a registration must be made in writing at least 10business days before the event and a refund (less a 10% administrativefee of total course fee) will be made. No refunds will be given forcancellations received less than 10 business days prior to the event.All requests for replacement / transfer must be made in writing atleast 3 business days prior to the event. Registration:
Register online and make payment via credit card or cheque athttp://www.sgxacademy.com Alternatively, you may pay by cheque to "SGX Academy" and mail the cheque to:
SGX Academy Secretariat
10 Shenton Way #13-02
MAS Building, Singapore 079117
Please provide your name, email, mailing address and contact no.,seminar title and date on the reverse of the cheque. Enrolment iscontingent upon receipt by Singapore Exchange of full payment andavailability of space in the class. A confirmation note will be sentvia email 10 business days before the seminar/course commences.
Date : | 11 April 09 9:00 AM - 11 April 09 12:30 PM | Venue : | SGX Auditorium |
Date : | 11 Apr 09 9:00 AM - 11 Apr 09 12:30 AM | Venue : | SGX Auditorim (Level 2)
2 Shenton Way
SGX Centre 1
| |