


楼主: AhSengSg

2011 新加坡大选讨论区

 楼主| 发表于 5-4-2011 04:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AhSengSg 于 5-4-2011 04:06 PM 编辑

Tin Pei Ling 事件越闹越大。。。


Petition calls for Tin Pei Ling to be fielded in a single-member seat
Posted by theonlinecitizen on April 5, 2011

The Tin Pei Ling circus goes on
The furore over Ms Tin Pei Ling’s controversial candidacy has boiled over in the form of an online petition calling for Ms Tin to be fielded in a single-member constituency (SMC). Started by one Mr Ti Kiang Heng on 4 April, the petition has started gathering traction with a few hundred signatories.
Mr Ti notes in his petition covering letter that the purpose of the petition is to show “that we care about Singapore and the quality of the Members of Parliament (MP) who represent Singaporeans.” He also links the problem with the inequitable nature of the GRC system:
“Singaporeans are genuinely concerned about undeserving candidates being inducted into parliament, not on their own merit, but rather on the back of established MPs of the ruling party in some Group Representation Constituencies (GRCs).”
In recent weeks, Ms Tin Pei Ling’s candidacy has come to dominate both the online and mainstream news cycle.
The New Paper had a front page article listing a string of criticism of her perceived lack of substance. A grassroots leader, in a Today newspaper report, openly questioned whether she could connect with residents, and letters have been published in the traditionally pro-government Straits Times Forum questioning whether the PAP made the right choice in fielding her.
While initial attacks which focused on Ms Tin’s designer handbags were easy to dismiss, concerns about Ms Tin’s lack of substance in media interviews and a speech she gave to a PAP conference in 2007 have started to come into focus. The latest petition crystallizes the question in voters’ minds: can the PAP’s youngest candidate hold her own?
Salvaging the situation
The petition taps on a sense that Ms Tin is the undeserving beneficiary of a system of double standards, that maybe the PAP’s hard-line approach to the empowering effects of competition has stopped applying to themselves.
Making that argument, one signatory of the petition, Mdm Tan Gek Hua, expressed the hope that “the best person for the position wins in the election.” She said: “PM Lee himself has expressed he welcomes competition and most of us too believe competition is healthy for the political landscape of Singapore. A SMC would allow Singaporeans to decide whether she is the best candidate for the position”.
Another signatory made the point that Ms Tin “should be put through what Mah Bow Tan underwent, ie, contest in an SMC ward first to gain some serious mileage and maturity.” Mr Mah lost his first election to the opposition’s Mr Chiam See Tong in 1984 before winning in Tampines GRC in 1988.
The PAP might do well to consider heeding the call.

Glenda Han (left) with Tan Kian Hwee, WP's team in Ang Mo Kio GRC in 2006

The contrast between a young PAP candidate taking cover in a safe GRC and the blooding of young candidates in opposition could not be more stark: the Worker’s Party’s (WP) Mr Gerald Giam, only a few years Ms Tin’s senior, ably held his own against Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam on national television. When Ms Glenda Han of the WP contested against the Prime Minister in 2006, she was only two years older than Ms Tin.
Further, the fact that many eminently better qualified and more experienced opposition candidates like the WP’s Ms Sylvia Lim, the NSP’s Mr Tony Tan and the SDP’s Dr Vincent Wijeysingha might not get into Parliament because of the GRC system. If Ms Tin is able to coast to victory in Marine Parade GRC, where she is expected to be fielded by the PAP, it might just be offensive enough to Singaporeans’ sensibilities to generate a national perception backlash against the PAP.
The PAP has done itself no favours in the way it approached the issue: Senior Minister Mr Goh Chok Tong’s unhelpful “joke” about “young Pei Ling” being traumatized and having to be attended to by her senior GRC teammates has probably irreparably painted  her being unable to hold her own.
He literally turned her into a joke.
The petition also raises questions about how stringently Ms Tin was vetted. In introducing Ms Tin’s candidacy, PAP Chairman Lim Boon Heng unwittingly highlighted how little he knew of her when he said: “I don’t know the strength of her dialect but I know she speaks Mandarin well.”
Will the PAP salvage what’s left of a bad situation and field Ms Tin in an SMC? A signatory who identified herself as Gail hopes so:
“Please do not regard this as noise. Show us that you are listening to us and care what we think”.


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发表于 5-4-2011 10:41 PM | 显示全部楼层

(posted by mobile)
Sunyata 发表于 4-4-2011 04:55 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 6-4-2011 05:30 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AhSengSg 于 6-4-2011 05:31 AM 编辑

未来总理人选之一的 tan chuan-jin 竟然会讲 melayu 。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 6-4-2011 05:33 AM | 显示全部楼层
Alec Tok 的双语都很强。。。


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 楼主| 发表于 7-4-2011 05:31 AM | 显示全部楼层



● 周殊钦 报道   

执政的人民行动党到昨天已介绍了15名新候选人,不出两个星期所有新人都会摆在选民面前。选情几个星期来也迅速升温,行动党基层今年初传出的五月底举行大选的消息,近日也被五月初举行大选的消息所掩盖。   国会将在下星期一复会,相信那将是第11届国会的最后一次会议。一般相信国会休会不久后,李显龙总理就会向纳丹总统建议解散国会。   各政党近几个周末都更加积极走访选区,大家都估计大选可能在月内举行。行动党基层近日更传出大选将在5月7日(星期六)举行的消息,取代了之前传出的可能在5月28日,即学校年中假期第一天举行的消息。   以5月7日为投票日计算,九天的竞选期加上一天的“冷静日”(Cooling Off Day),即表示提名日可能是在4月27日。   行动党至今仍对何时会宣布备受瞩目的竞选宣言守口如瓶。然而,它在上一次大选时是选在行动党青年团庆祝成立20周年的活动上做此宣布,坊间因此也预料它将在本月17日行青团为庆祝成立25周年而举行的大型集会上,宣布这次大选的竞选宣言。   不少政治观察家都认为五月初举行大选是合理的推测。一来,民众已从政府所宣布的“增长共享”配套(Grow & Share Package)中获益。在这个配套下,所有成年国人都可分获介于100元至900元的增长分红,这笔现金红包和其他公积金填补金额将在今年5月1日之前送到国人手上。   二来,与行动党有着半个世纪共生关系的全国职工总会将在今年五一劳动节集会上盛大庆祝成立50周年纪念。工运议员似乎都把政府领导人将出席的这项大规模集会视为大选的前奏。而且工运领袖和政府领导人在这项集会上的讲话,也有助争取工人群众对行动党的支持。

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发表于 7-4-2011 05:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
● 周殊钦 报道   

执政的人民行动党到昨天已介绍了15名新候选人,不 ...
AhSengSg 发表于 7-4-2011 05:31 AM


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 楼主| 发表于 7-4-2011 06:47 AM | 显示全部楼层
小3 发表于 7-4-2011 05:51 AM


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发表于 7-4-2011 08:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
AhSengSg 发表于 7-4-2011 06:47 AM


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发表于 8-4-2011 08:02 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 8-4-2011 08:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AhSengSg 于 8-4-2011 08:34 PM 编辑


PM Lee to host "live" TV forum on Channel NewsAsia
By S Ramesh | Posted: 08 April 2011 1852 hrs

Photos < .

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong  

SINGAPORE: Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is hosting a "live" TV forum, engaging a panel of 12 Singaporeans from a cross-section of the population on a wide range of topics.

The forum will be shown "live" at 8pm on Channel NewsAsia next Tuesday on April 12.

The hour-long programme is called "Question Time with the Prime Minister" and topics for discussion include social, political and long term issues facing Singapore.

MediaCorp said for the first time, viewers are invited to send in their questions for the Prime Minister during the forum via SMS or email and he will address some of the questions during the"live" programme.

The microsite for the programme at channelnewsasia.com/questiontime is now available for viewers to send in their queries for the forum. Online viewers can also catch the webcast "live" at the microsite.

In addition, netizens can choose to put in their messages on Facebook.com/questiontime.

Channel NewsAsia Presenter, Melissa Hyak, is moderating the discussions with the panel representing many sectors of society.

They include a grassroots leader, a unionist, a businessman, a young professional, a polytechnic student, a university student, a retiree, a blue-collar worker, a political commentator, a journalist, a social worker and a new citizen of Singapore.

Executive Producer Tan Lek Hwa, said: "With election excitement in the air, we want to provide another platform for the man in the street to be able to give voice to the questions or comments that they have always wanted to air, but never had the opportunity.

"Together with the good cross section of representatives that we have lined up on the panel, the diverse mix of views and questions should make for a robust discussion with the Prime Minister."

The forum will telecast at the following times: Channel NewsAsia on Tuesday, April 12, 8pm (Sin/HK) with encore telecasts on Friday, April 15, 6pm (Sin/HK) and Sunday, April 17, 7.30pm (Sin/HK). It will also be shown on Channel 5 on Friday, April 15 at 8.30pm.



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发表于 8-4-2011 09:05 PM | 显示全部楼层

Dr Vincent Wijeyshingha
AhSengSg 发表于 4-4-2011 02:42 AM

肯定小李会有问必答? 如果说他不懂的呢?例如老李如何制造小李的。Juz kidding。

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发表于 8-4-2011 09:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
des$mond 发表于 8-4-2011 08:02 PM

Dr Chee徐顺全的党吗? 上次大选造势他在小食中心遇上吴资政时的场面真的惊心动魄。


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发表于 8-4-2011 11:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
陈硕茂在人生不同阶段的成绩单同样引人注目,足以媲美有分量的行动党候选人。他是1979年高中A水准会 ...
AhSengSg 发表于 4-4-2011 02:49 AM


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发表于 9-4-2011 12:19 AM | 显示全部楼层

陈硕茂同窗中有一些杰出人才甚至已当上部长。这包括社会发展、青年及体育部 ...
AhSengSg 发表于 4-4-2011 02:51 AM


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发表于 9-4-2011 12:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
如果有能力攻下马林百列,Tanjung Pagar的话。。。。我才觉得它是人才。。。。。
bonwy 发表于 4-4-2011 09:18 PM

我倒觉得地区并不是那么重要,他们的能力鉴定在于管好那个区域的能力而不是政治系戏码可以玩弄得多出色。potong pasir是中央政府的问题。

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发表于 9-4-2011 02:30 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 9-4-2011 08:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
肯定小李会有问必答? 如果说他不懂的呢?例如老李如何制造小李的。Juz kidding。
laugh2c 发表于 8-4-2011 09:05 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 9-4-2011 08:44 AM | 显示全部楼层
Dr Chee徐顺全的党吗? 上次大选造势他在小食中心遇上吴资政时的场面真的惊心动魄。

他的声量可以用 ...
laugh2c 发表于 8-4-2011 09:18 PM

dr chee 是 SDP (Singapore Democratic Party) 。。。。
SDP 因为太偏激,而让人民舍弃。。。
这次有 Dr Vincent Wijeyshingha 协助,可能会大翻身。。。
大家都说 Dr Vincent W 有 obama 的风采 charisma。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 9-4-2011 08:49 AM | 显示全部楼层
谢谢楼主的分享,得知这儿一位响当当的人物——陈硕茂,看来新加坡真的能人辈出啊,那么remarkable的prof ...
laugh2c 发表于 8-4-2011 11:05 PM

Chen Show Mao - international top lawyer
以前全新加坡 A Levels 全国状元。。
还不是公民,也自己 volunteer 去 National Service。。。
将和 Sylvia Lim 攻打 Aljunied GRC。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 9-4-2011 08:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
oxygentan 发表于 9-4-2011 02:30 AM


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