


楼主: piskin

第一次装机 买了I5 3570K +MSI GTX680 Twinfrozr III OC

发表于 4-5-2012 09:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
看样子3570k被太多负面新闻 影响所以先下价等人买 我槟城边小白多所以价钱会比较虚高
打算下礼拜 ...
will. 发表于 4-5-2012 09:21 PM

目前目测jayacom 价钱表上没有...
G1 SNIPER 3 我星期一帮你去打听下...

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 楼主| 发表于 4-5-2012 09:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 piskin 于 4-5-2012 09:30 PM 编辑

PC DEPOT: RM 1799 each
Normal     : RM 1970 each

刚刚看到 ...
JackieNg04 发表于 4-5-2012 09:14 PM

    这个普通版来的, 因该要买RM 1749 才对
这个散热就没那么好,最少差18C, 也没有factory OC


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发表于 4-5-2012 09:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
目前目测jayacom 价钱表上没有...
G1 SNIPER 3 我星期一帮你去打听下...
gavin80 发表于 4-5-2012 09:23 PM

海贼船AX650 他算我RM505 5块应该是他拿来吃饭的钱来的

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 楼主| 发表于 4-5-2012 09:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
gavin80 发表于 4-5-2012 09:08 PM

    我的一餐, haiz

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发表于 4-5-2012 09:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
这个普通版来的, 因该要买RM 1749 才对
这个散热就没那么好,最少差18C, 也没有factory ...
piskin 发表于 4-5-2012 09:28 PM

我就是比较钟爱公版卡 因为比较有个性 而且散热器开的模块成本也比较高 但价钱却比较低
非公版就一个散热器摸可以连用三代 TF3 DCII两代傻傻分不清楚7970还是680都一样外貌
比起温度我更加注重外貌个性 显卡不过百烧不坏的

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发表于 4-5-2012 09:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
我就是比较钟爱公版卡 因为比较有个性 而且散热器开的模块成本也比较高 但价钱却比较低
非公版就一 ...
will. 发表于 4-5-2012 09:38 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 4-5-2012 09:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 piskin 于 4-5-2012 09:49 PM 编辑
我就是比较钟爱公版卡 因为比较有个性 而且散热器开的模块成本也比较高 但价钱却比较低
非公版就一 ...
will. 发表于 4-5-2012 09:38 PM

    公版比我这个热很多,你去看review 就懂料, Full load 79C

在马来西亚更热加多6C 肯定超过80C

这个Nvdia GPU Boost 自动帮我超到1178 , 温度才67C 罢了

加多RM100 很值得的

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 楼主| 发表于 4-5-2012 09:48 PM | 显示全部楼层
gavin80 发表于 4-5-2012 09:42 PM

    温度低,更好OC 的,Nvdia GPU Boost 也是看着grahic card 的温度来超的

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发表于 4-5-2012 09:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
gavin80 发表于 4-5-2012 09:42 PM

天气冷 还可以拿来取暖呢 很实用滴
公版卡其实没你们想的那么不可靠 随着工艺提升温度已经不再是什么问题了
有时非公版外排的热气甚至给机箱内部加温呢 SLI/CF多卡时非公版显得比较劣势了

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发表于 4-5-2012 09:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
温度低,更好OC 的,Nvdia GPU Boost 也是看着grahic card 的温度来超的
piskin 发表于 4-5-2012 09:48 PM

或许强劲点的显卡有感觉,我的HD6850 从800 Mhz OC 到1Ghz 只不过在BF3 最高设置 多几帧而已。

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发表于 4-5-2012 09:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
公版比我这个热很多,你去看review 就懂料, Full load 79C

在马来西亚更热加多6C 肯定超过8 ...
piskin 发表于 4-5-2012 09:47 PM

各有所好吧 就算我现在的GTX570连80度很难会达成
我每个游戏都开垂直同步60帧罢了 我不讲求极限什么的

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 楼主| 发表于 4-5-2012 09:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 piskin 于 4-5-2012 10:02 PM 编辑
或许强劲点的显卡有感觉,我的HD6850 从800 Mhz OC 到1Ghz 只不过在BF ...
gavin80 发表于 4-5-2012 09:52 PM

    我的感觉有差, 每上100MHZ 就性能就升10%了

看看3d guru OC 的吧

Overclocking the graphics card

As most of you know, with most video cards you can apply a simple series of tricks to boost the overall performance a little. You can do this at two levels, namely tweaking by enabling registry or BIOS hacks, or very simply to tamper with Image Quality. And then there is overclocking, which will give you the best possible results by far.

What do we need?
One of the best tools for overclocking NVIDIA and ATI videocards is our own AfterBurner which will work with 90% of the graphics cards out there. We can really recommend it, download here.

Where should we go?
Overclocking: By increasing the frequency of the videocard's memory and GPU, we can make the videocard increase its calculation clock cycles per second. It sounds hard, but it really can be done in less than a few minutes. I always tend to recommend to novice users and beginners, to not increase the frequency any higher than 5% on the core and memory clock. Example: If your card runs at 600 MHz (which is pretty common these days) then I suggest that you don't increase the frequency any higher than 30 to 50 MHz.

More advanced users push the frequency often way higher. Usually when your 3D graphics start to show artifacts such as white dots ("snow"), you should back down 10-15 MHz and leave it at that. Usually when you are overclocking too hard, it'll start to show artifacts, empty polygons or it will even freeze. Carefully find that limit and then back down at least 20 MHz from the moment you notice an artifact. Look carefully and observe well. I really wouldn't know why you need to overclock today's tested card anyway, but we'll still show it.

All in all... do it at your own risk.

Original This sampleOverclocked
Core Clock: 1006 MHzCore Core Clock: 1058 MHzCore Clock: 1173 MHz
Boost Clock: 1058 MHzBoost Clock: 1176 MHzBoost Clock: ~1291 MHz
Memory Clock: 6000 MHzMemory Clock: 6008 MHzMemory Clock: 6908 MHz

Now with the Dynamic boost function of the series 600 cards overclocking is definitely going to be more complicated. It remains simple though. Mind you that for overclocking we used Beta 15 of AfterBurner for ease of use.
In afterburner we go into the preferences. We can widen up the TDP limitations a bit, set the power limiter towards it's maximum. That way the Dynamic boost function won't down clock all the time to meet it's upper threshold in TDP limitations.
We have core voltage upped another 100Mv, but the NVIDIA driver currently does not seem to kick in the additional voltage. So this feature is not yet possible in the current NV GeForce drivers.
The Core clock was increased with another 115 MHz and the memory got an amazing 440 MHz added as well.
So for the core we ended at 1291 (incl Turbo) MHz absolutely stable and for the memory we ended close to 7 GHz (!) (effective data rate).  At this stage we locked the cooler RPM at 55% RPM, that's slightly noisy for this cooler though. We now have some extra performance at our hands, have a peek at the results when overclocked.

Above, Crysis 2, same maxed out image quality settings as before yet now with added overclock results:

  • DirectX 11
  • High Resolution Texture Pack
  • Ultra Quality settings
  • 4x AA
  • Level - Times Square (2 minute custom time demo)

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发表于 5-5-2012 12:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
我的感觉有差, 每上100MHZ 就性能就升10%了

看看3d guru OC 的吧

Overclocking the gra ...
piskin 发表于 4-5-2012 09:59 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 5-5-2012 06:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
gavin80 发表于 5-5-2012 12:55 AM


如果你分得出30FPS 和35FPS 的不同你就可以感觉出来了

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发表于 5-5-2012 08:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
如果要玩oc~我会买个普通版再贴多少少换个更好的cooler~oc版cooler根custom cooler差很多~

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 楼主| 发表于 5-5-2012 08:24 AM | 显示全部楼层
如果要玩oc~我会买个普通版再贴多少少换个更好的cooler~oc版cooler根custom cooler差很多~
ulalare123 发表于 5-5-2012 08:14 AM

    普通版和非公版差RM 100,而且MSI 的cooler 也不差啊, Full load+ Nvidia GPU Boost 超频最高是67C

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发表于 5-5-2012 08:32 AM | 显示全部楼层
普通版和非公版差RM 100,而且MSI 的cooler 也不差啊, Full load+ Nvidia GPU Boost 超频最高是6 ...
piskin 发表于 5-5-2012 08:24 AM

是不差的~不然谁愿意多花100去买~不过custom cooler更好罢了~adv oc user会省起来搞custom cooler~

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 楼主| 发表于 5-5-2012 08:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 piskin 于 5-5-2012 08:51 AM 编辑
是不差的~不然谁愿意多花100去买~不过custom cooler更好罢了~adv oc user会省起来搞custom coo ...
ulalare123 发表于 5-5-2012 08:32 AM

   哦,那些适合发烧友玩, 不会void warranty 吗?

RM 100 还有帮你Factory OC 和提升 NVdia GPU Boost 的Core Speed 的, 不只是cooler 罢了


而且Nvidia GPU boost 我也不知道怎样调,我会普通OC 罢了

MSI 帮你OC 到1059 + Nvdia GPU Boost 120mnhz=最高到1179

普通版是1006+Nvdia GPU Boost 50mnhz=最高去到1060mhz

话说你也买OC 版的

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发表于 5-5-2012 09:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
哦,那些适合发烧友玩, 不会void warranty 吗?

RM 100 还有帮你Factory OC 和提升 NVdia GPU B ...
piskin 发表于 5-5-2012 08:42 AM

不会void warranty的~那种原厂设定只不过"帮"你提高几十罢了~晶片都一样效果也一样~

买更好的cooler超也多它一条街拉~我不是adv oc user~要玩oc我早就将做了~

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 楼主| 发表于 5-5-2012 09:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
不会void warranty的~那种原厂设定只不过"帮"你提高几十罢了~晶片都一样效果也一样~

买更好的 ...
ulalare123 发表于 5-5-2012 09:03 AM


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