yewchang : oh ok, understand. but if approved, whats the point of getting another card which credit limit is exactly same as our current card(s) or even lower? ... m understand tht credit limit was important for certain customer. Im sure you have plenty of platinum card in your wallet. But, our OCBC cust who apply this credit card mainly is focus on our REBATE not the credit limit. Well, we have sum scenario happen before cust holding 5 credit cards with highest credit li ... ...
yewchang: 我的 Hong Leong Bank Platinum 23.5k credit limit,
OCBC Titanium Credit Card 可以 Offer 多少?
We just help you submit d application not to approve your card. Credit limit was given by credit officer after calculate Ur outstanding of your card , and others commitment base on Ur annual income. No guarantee credit limit was given.