


分享 赖彩云之Deprived of Sleep
赖彩云 15-8-2016 09:07 PM
What Happens When You Are Deprived of Sleep? It’s tough to get a good night’s sleep if you’re constantly feeling anxious or worried over some personal matter, or the neighbours may be keeping you awake at odd hours. However, if those sleepless nights occur frequently, it can cau ...
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分享 赖彩云之Blueberry
赖彩云 13-8-2016 07:31 PM
Blueberry Overnight Oats Every morning I’d have to face the most difficult question; what to have for breakfast. Not to mention, I’d be rushing to prepare for work and to beat the rush hour. So in the end, I’ll just pick up some pastries or bread from the bakery or sometimes, ...
355 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 赖彩云之Everyone Needs Yoga
赖彩云 13-8-2016 07:30 PM
5 Reasons Everyone Needs Yoga It’s estimated that about 9% of the American population practices yoga. Most of them are women, but the practices is slowly gaining popularity with the male species among us as the yogic path becomes more and more necessary to live a full and balanced ...
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分享 赖彩云之Lemon Water
赖彩云 13-8-2016 07:29 PM
Benefits of Lemon Water So what’s the first thing that you do when you wake up in the morning? For me, I make it a habit to drink a cup of water while some people would go for coffee or tea. But if you want to try something that will give you that extra energy boost, the ideal alt ...
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分享 赖彩云之穿戴胸罩
赖彩云 13-8-2016 07:28 PM
別讓胸罩成頸椎殺手 穿戴不當惹腰酸背痛 經常有一些女病人訴說自己肩部不適,尤其是肩背部酸痛、胸悶、頭暈、噁心、上肢麻木、頭頸部旋轉時有針刺感。通過檢查發現,肩、背局部肌肉,如背闊肌、肩胛角肌、胸鎖乳突肌呈不同程度的老化,X線檢查則表現為頸椎肥大性改變。臨床上稱這類症狀為「胸罩綜合症」。 引 ...
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分享 赖彩云之裸睡有助女性健康
赖彩云 13-8-2016 07:27 PM
裸睡有助女性健康 1. 讓女性私處更健康 女性陰部常年濕潤,這種環境容易加速黴菌、病菌繁殖。而裸睡增加了私處通風透氣的機會,能大大降低黴菌感染等婦科疾病的風險。 2. 有助於喚醒激情 裸睡使夫妻肌膚之親更加方便,有助於釋放「擁抱激素」催產素,拉近夫妻距離,讓激情更容易被喚起。但也有性學家認為 ...
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分享 赖彩云之患陽痿
赖彩云 13-8-2016 07:26 PM
婚前, 婚後-患陽痿 婚前一年 婚後兩年 結婚前後,男女雙方正處於感情波動比較大的階段。現在的年輕夫婦大多為獨生子女,從小在父母的溺愛下長大。性格比較以自我為中心,大多不會為對方著想,常會因芝麻綠豆的小事爭吵。 有一對青年男女談了幾年戀愛準備結婚,此時兩人正處於事業上大展拳腳的時期,工作 ...
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分享 赖彩雲之生活運動法
赖彩云 25-6-2016 10:47 AM
沒有時間也要動起來 繁忙生活運動法 對於少做或不做運動的羣體,「忙」和「沒有時間」是常常掛於嘴邊的主要原因,但繁忙的生活是否真的只是做運動的障礙?養 成運動習慣又是否如此費時?看四個不同運動習慣的香港人,向大家示範如何在繁忙生活中,把運動時間騰出來,便明白忙不能成為藉口。零運動,是不為, ...
284 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 赖彩雲之Rise With The Sun
赖彩云 25-6-2016 10:42 AM
How To Rise With The Sun In this day and age, most of us stay up later than we should. Right before bedtime, most of us would probably watch some videos, surf the net, check on Facebook, and the list goes on. What’s more is that we’d probably sleep at 1 a.m., dread waking up in mo ...
226 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 赖彩雲之吃薯仔
赖彩云 25-6-2016 10:41 AM
炎夏多吃薯仔做代餐 減少熱量攝取可減肥 養和醫院註冊營養師陳勁芝稱,一般白米營養以澱粉質為主,薯仔卻含有較多元化的營養素。「除澱粉質外,薯仔還含有鐵質、 礦物質,維他命C等,若連皮吃,可攝取更多纖維,故減重人士若想用薯仔取代米飯,未嘗不可。」那麼,薯仔的熱量是否比米飯低?「一平碗米飯的卡路 ...
249 次阅读|0 个评论


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