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赖彩云之Lemon Water

已有 316 次阅读13-8-2016 07:29 PM | something, morning, process, people, energy

Benefits of Lemon Water

jessy lai chai yun lemon

So what’s the first thing that you do when you wake up in the morning? For me, I make it a habit to drink a cup of water while some people would go for coffee or tea. But if you want to try something that will give you that extra energy boost, the ideal alternative is a cup of warm lemon water. Starting your day with a glass of warm lemon water will help kick-start your digestion process. It’s easy. Just make sure that you use room temperature or warm water and add some lemon juice. Avoid using hot or iced water as it can be lot for your body to process in the morning.

Lemon is known to have antioxidants, antiviral, antibacterial, and immune boosting power that will have profound effects on your health. Here are some of the reasons to adopt this morning ritual.

1) Improves digestive system and aids in weight loss
Drinking lemon water encourages healthy digestion by getting rid of toxins in your digestive tract. This helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion like bloating and heartburn. Moreover, the acidity in lemon juice helps increase enzyme function, which stimulates the liver and aids in detoxification and in turn, aid in weight loss. This is because lemon juice contains a soluble fiber called pectin which helps to fight hunger cravings.

2) Helps in itching
The next time you get an insect bite, try rubbing some lemon juice on the area as lemon juice is known to have anaesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects that will help get rid of the itch.

3) Rejuvenates the skin
One of the main components in lemon juice is vitamin C. Vitamin C can help combat free radical damage causes blemishes and wrinkles. By drinking lemon water, it will help kill off bacteria that cause acne. Furthermore, you can apply some lemon juice directly to age spots or scars to help reduce their appearance.
In summary, lemon water can be a fantastic add on to your diet as it has a rich source of nutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants that will promote healing to your body. But it is crucial to know that you shouldn’t replace water with lemon water because too much of the acidity could also cause some unpleasant effects.

Yours always,
Jessy Lai Chai Yun (赖彩云)

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