

xinkafei Lv.11 261#

一级长老 | Credits 8386   
引用: 匿名者 发表于 24-4-2024 11:02 AM

他讲得很正确,噗噗慢确实是废人,只能跟在其他人尾巴抄内容,一下子是erp consultant,一下子是地产大亨。


匿名 260#

引用: xinkafei 发表于 24-4-2024 09:50 AM


xinkafei Lv.11 259#

一级长老 | Credits 8386   
引用: JowY 发表于 24-4-2024 09:34 AM
6000萬資產,當今大馬一個月 12.50 給不起?

我當年學生時代 6000 資產都訂閱得起獨立新聞在線 ...


xinkafei Lv.11 258#

一级长老 | Credits 8386   
本帖最后由 xinkafei 于 24-4-2024 09:49 AM 编辑
引用: 匿名者 发表于 24-4-2024 07:12 AM
他真是太不要脸了吧,或者说他可能有点妄想症。他居然以为全世界都会相信他是大老板,有6000万。其实, ...


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JowY Lv.18 257#

钻石长老 | Credits 69687   
引用: 匿名者 发表于 24-4-2024 08:27 AM
难道他可能是一个有6000万资产但却残疾,不方便出门的人吗?所以才整天窝居在家混佳礼十几年,还天天看 ...

6000萬資產,當今大馬一個月 12.50 給不起?

我當年學生時代 6000 資產都訂閱得起獨立新聞在線

匿名 256#

引用: frozenthrone 发表于 24-4-2024 08:18 AM
有6000万需要蜗居在家里混佳礼?单单是女的约他出去wet都不得空了,还需要叫佳礼网友pm他? ...



frozenthrone Lv.13 255#

高级长老 | Credits 18931   
引用: 匿名者 发表于 24-4-2024 07:12 AM
他真是太不要脸了吧,或者说他可能有点妄想症。他居然以为全世界都会相信他是大老板,有6000万。其实, ...



匿名 254#

引用: xinkafei 发表于 24-4-2024 12:23 AM


匿名 253#

引用: pupuman 发表于 24-4-2024 02:06 AM
"even your friends are not believe you" 枪手就是枪手, 立刻暴露缺点。。。。烂泥扶不上墙壁。。。。 ...


pupuman Lv.13 252#

版主 | Credits 81524   
引用: 匿名者 发表于 23-4-2024 06:02 PM
pupuman, you're always showing off, claiming to be a richman with 60 million. do you think we're  ...

"even your friends are not believe you" 枪手就是枪手, 立刻暴露缺点。。。。烂泥扶不上墙壁。。。。我为你父母伤心。。。生了一只垃圾寄生虫

xinkafei Lv.11 251#

一级长老 | Credits 8386   
引用: 匿名者 发表于 23-4-2024 11:02 PM
他在车版看到那些开着豪车的人发帖子,竟然厚颜无耻地说要认识他们。而在政治版,他只是想引起火箭领袖 ...


匿名 250#

引用: xinkafei 发表于 23-4-2024 10:55 PM
噗噗慢跑了,看来卖菜是真的,不是空穴来风。不到一楼的英文帖,我看到都是市井之徒的巴刹英文水准,这种 ...


xinkafei Lv.11 249#

一级长老 | Credits 8386   
引用: 匿名者 发表于 23-4-2024 06:35 PM
He's just an opportunist. Thinks talking politics online all the time will attract wealthy folks  ...


匿名 248#

引用: xinkafei 发表于 23-4-2024 06:29 PM
@pupuman is a reflection of the hardcore, joining politics for rent seeking instead of well being  ...

He's just an opportunist. Thinks talking politics online all the time will attract wealthy folks to him, then he'll get opportunities to get rich... proof? Look at the car section—whenever he sees someone wealthy talking about cars, he's right there buttering them up.

xinkafei Lv.11 247#

一级长老 | Credits 8386   
引用: 匿名者 发表于 23-4-2024 06:02 PM
pupuman, you're always showing off, claiming to be a richman with 60 million. do you think we're  ...

@pupuman is a reflection of the hardcore, joining politics for rent seeking instead of well being of this nation. Alas mca could not offer him anything more than the convenience to purchase a local house. So, he has volunteered himself to wrack mca, maximising this role as a sacred to be a pickup artist ("pua").


匿名 246#

引用: pupuman 发表于 23-4-2024 02:54 PM
fcuk off la....stupid fellow like u only will associate wealth with command of english....

pupuman, you're always showing off, claiming to be a richman with 60 million. do you think we're all fools here? nobody believes you for a second, even your friends are not believe you.. your whole family should be ashamed of you.

xinkafei Lv.11 245#

一级长老 | Credits 8386   
本帖最后由 xinkafei 于 23-4-2024 05:25 PM 编辑

@pupuman @pupuman

Tea break is over. Where did we stop? Oh, yes, you claimed you had received a scholarship from UCSI. But, you rejected it. By now, I trust UCSI should be relieved. It must be a blessing for them.

So, where did you go for your study?

xinkafei Lv.11 244#

一级长老 | Credits 8386   
引用: 匿名者 发表于 23-4-2024 02:57 PM
You got no substance, clueless about politics, clueless about computers, clueless about ERP, and  ...


“Pmm Sdn Bhd, a Malaysia based company, is involved in the supplies and distribution of FMCG to high street retailers. Over the years, the founder has secured the trusts from the major princilpals and he manages to expand regionally to Indonesia and Vietnam. Currently, the company has 15 warehouses spreading across the major cities of these countries. Number of workers is around 300 and total annual turnover is MYR 35m. The founder has a succession plan and his eldest son, a Harvard MBA graduate, is currently taking care of the overseas subsidiaries. In view of the newly introduced eInvoice, the son intends to take the opportunities to revamp the aging computer systems, which comprise of a number of islands of automation in three countries. His plan is to introduce a capable and integrated ERP system. However, the founder is very prudent in any major spending in view of the lower margin the Company enjoys. The son has troubles to overcome his father's resistance to change and he seeks your help to transform his father’s business empire. As a qualified ERP consultant, write a short email to the founder and convince him to grant you a face-to-face discussion. In this email, state the importance of having an ERP system to manage his company and what opportunities he will lose if this is not done as soon as possible.”

erp consultant aka 小丑应该会交这类水准:


You sibeh sohei, ERP is very vry important do business. i sibeh tulan u also no know this and no support your son. You wan you quick quick come. If you no come i dont fcuking care u.”

匿名 243#

引用: pupuman 发表于 23-4-2024 02:54 PM
fcuk off la....stupid fellow like u only will associate wealth with command of english....

You got no substance, clueless about politics, clueless about computers, clueless about ERP, and can't even handle english properly. so why bother pretending?

xinkafei Lv.11 242#

一级长老 | Credits 8386   
引用: pupuman 发表于 23-4-2024 02:47 PM
so wat sohei .....u truely a brainless corrupted moron.....

Can't accept the fact from AI?

"it demonstrates a limited grasp of standard English conventions and would likely be classified as very low proficiency"

I can't stop laughing, give me a break!
