


楼主: LoveOfCari

【公会】Cass - LoveOfCari ★恭喜neh @ xLarraCroftx Lv200★

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发表于 20-6-2010 01:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
bm / xbm 好像变废去。。。
虽说strafe / soa 有boost到 125% / 130%
不过xbe / be 变去 60%mastery真的 ...
ylc1986 发表于 19-6-2010 09:46 PM

    真是 弓箭手的末日

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发表于 20-6-2010 01:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
我在happy garden走路去bukit jalil搭lrt
JJHH20 发表于 18-6-2010 01:47 PM

    下次去 buuk 你。。。然后拐带

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发表于 20-6-2010 04:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
下次去 buuk 你。。。然后拐带
daimon 发表于 20-6-2010 01:34 PM


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发表于 20-6-2010 05:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
不过呢。。。 ...
ylc1986 发表于 20-6-2010 12:27 PM

我加了se 才能和同样lvl 的NL(without se)
se 费掉简直就是要bm的命
想要solo papu简直就是异想天开了

而且concentration 原本maxed+26 wa 将来只是+25 wa

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发表于 20-6-2010 05:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
做什么昨天你没去 ...
JJHH20 发表于 20-6-2010 04:47 PM

    有 面子书 嘛,当然知道你长成什么样子


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发表于 20-6-2010 05:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
我加了se 才能和同样lvl 的NL(without se)
se ...
noob1988 发表于 20-6-2010 05:10 PM

单单是xbe / be就可以让dmg低了很多
二转的mastery = 50%
be / xbe = 60%

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发表于 20-6-2010 06:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yw46 于 20-6-2010 06:48 PM 编辑

我们应该期待就要到的balance patch,而不是这个不懂几时才来的patch
1. The skills of Wizard and Mage has changed.

The number of enemies Fire Arrow can attack has been increased.
┕ Can attack up to 4 enemies (Lv. 21)

The basic attack of Explosion has been increased and casting time decreased.
┕ Attack increased from 120 → 130 (Lv. 30)

The magic attack damage of Element Amplification has been increased.
┕ Magic attack damage increased from 140% → 150% (Lv. 30)

2. The pirate skills of Gunslinger has been changed.
All skill attacks can be used when you are attacking too close.

The range distance and basic attack of Double Fire has been improved.
┕ Damage increased from 80% → 110% (Lv. 20)
┖ Range increased from 350% → 380% (Lv. 19 & 20)

The re-use time of Backstep Shot has been decreased.

The range distance and basic attack of Fire Burner, Rapid Fire and Cooling Effect has been improved.
┕ Fire Burner: damage increased from 160% → 190% (Lv. 30)
┕ Rapid Fire:  damage increased from 170% → 200% (Lv. 30)
┕ Cooling Effect: damage increased from 130% → 160% (Lv. 30)

Durability of Battleship has been increased.

The dot damage and freezing time of Elemental Boost has been improved.
┕ DOT damage increased from 5% → 10% (Lv. 25)
┖ Freezing time increased from 2 seconds → 4 seconds (Lv. 30)

3. The pirate skills of Viper has been changed.

The stance effect of Energy Charge has been improved.
┕ Stance probability increased from 50% → 90% (Lv. 30)

The attack range of Fist has been improved.

4.  The thief skills of Bandit, Chief Bandit and Shadower has been changed.

The HP and MP recovery of Endure has been increased.
┕ HP increased from 60 → 100 and MP increased from 20 → 40 (Lv. 20)

The damage of Band of Thieves has been increased.
┕ Damage increased from 210% → 250% (Lv. 30)

The re-use time of Dark Sight has been decreased.

The remaining time of poison damage and success rate of Venom has been increased.
┕ Poison Damage time increased from 4 → 8 seconds and success rate increased from 30% → 50% (Lv. 30)

Assassination damage increased.
┕ Accumulative damage increased from 12 seconds damage →   8 seconds damage (Lv. 30)

Cool time of Boomerang Step has been decreased and can now be used regardless of terrain shape.

The attack range and damage of Assaulter has been increased.
┕ Damage increased from 450% →  500% (Lv. 30)

The Meso consumption of Meso Guard has been decreased and the duration has been increased.

┕  Meso consumption decreased from 78% →  61% and duration increased from 120 seconds → 180 seconds (Lv. 20)
1.     The skills of Wizard has been changed.

The Fire Arrow skill effect will change as your character’s level progresses.

The attack range of Thunderbolt has been improved.

2.     The skills of Arch Mage has been changed.

MP consumption of Meteo has been decreased.
┕ MP consumption decreased from 3500 → 2900 MP (Lv. 30)

MP consumption of Blizzard has been decreased.
┕ MP consumption decreased from 3500 → 2900 MP (Lv. 30)

3.      The skills of Thief has been changed.

Steal can now attack multiple enemies and damage has increased. Stun for 4 seconds has been added.
┕ Damage increased from 100% → 130%. Can attack up to 4 enemies and stun for 4 seconds (Lv. 30)

The effect and the hit image of Steal has been changed.

4.     The skills of Page has been changed.

Threaten can now decrease the monster’s weapon attack and weapon defense by %. At the same time it can reduce the accuracy of a monster (blind) for up to 8 seconds.
┕ MP consumption increased from 20 → 25 MP. Skill duration decreased from 120 → 80 seconds. Able to reduce the accuracy of a monster for up to 8 seconds with a 50% probability (Lv. 20)

5.     The skills of Knight has been changed.

Damage of Flame Charge has been increased.
┕ Damage increased from 120% → 140% (Lv. 30)

Damage of Fire Charge has been increased.
┕ Damage increased from 120% → 140% (Lv. 30)

You can now use Thunder Charge and Lightning Charge with other charges (Fire, Ice, Holy) at the same time.

The attack range of Charged Blow has been increased, stun lasts longer.
┕ Attack range increased from 150 → 180. Stun duration increased from 4 seconds → 6 seconds (Lv. 30)

6.     The skills of Paladin has been changed.

Damage of Blast has been increased.
┕ Damage increased from 550% → 580% (Lv. 30)

Damage of Holy Charge has been increased.
┕ Damage increased from 140% → 150% (Lv. 20)

Damage of Divine Charge has been increased.
┕ Damage increased from 140% → 150% (Lv. 20)

7.     The skills of Dark Knight has been changed.

Beholder’s Buff can now determine if other buffs are better than its own. If another player’s buff is better than its own currently applied buff, then the player’s buff will replace the Beholder’s Buff. However, if the Beholder’s Buff is better than the other buff effects, it will cancel the other buffs and change back to Beholder’s Buff.

8.     4th Job skill of Warrior has been changed.

Damage and attack range of Rush has been increased.

┕ Damage increased from 130% → 140% . Attack range increased by 20 pixels horizontally (Lv. 30)
1.     Arch Mage skills has been changed.

Damage of Fire Demon has been increased.
┕ Basic attack increased from 120 → 140 (Lv. 30)

Damage of Ice Demon has been increased.
┕ Basic attack increased from 100 → 120 (Lv. 30)

Damage of Paralyze has been increased.
┕ Basic attack increased from 210 → 240 (Lv. 30)

Damage of Chain Lightning has been increased.
┕ Basic attack increased from 180 → 210 (Lv. 30)

Damage of Meteo has been increased.
┕ Basic attack increased from 570 → 620 (Lv. 30)

Damage of Blizzard has been increased.
┕ Basic attack increased from 570 → 600 (Lv. 30)

2.     Valkyrie skills has been changed.

The problem with Fire Burner and Cooling Effect applying no skill damage has been fixed.

3.     Buccaneer skill has been changed.

Attack range of Energy Buster has been increased. And there is a certain possibility that enemies can be stunned and can be used with Stun Mastery.
┕ Able to stun with a probability of 40% for 8 seconds

4.     Viper skill has been changed.

Attack time (delay) of Dragon Strike has been decreased.

5.     Hunter skill has been changed.

Damage of Arrow Bomb has been increased.
┕ Damage increased from 130% → 150% (Lv. 30)

6.     Ranger skill has been changed.

Damage of Fire Shot has been increased, and it can now inflict 7 seconds of continuous fire damage.
┕ Damage increased from 150% → 160% (Lv. 30)

7.     Crossbowmen skill has been changed.

Damage of Iron Arrow has been increased.
┕ Damage increased from 180% → 200% (Lv. 30)

8.     Sniper skill has been changed.

With a certain percentage, Strafe can kill enemies instantly when enemies are frozen from Ice Shot.
┕ Able to kill frozen enemies instantly with a probability of 3% (Lv. 30)

9.     Crossbow Master skills have been changed.

Piercing charging time has been reduced

Re-use time for Sniping has been reduced.


使用道具 举报

发表于 20-6-2010 11:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
我们应该期待就要到的balance patch,而不是这个不懂几时才来的patch
yw46 发表于 20-6-2010 06:44 PM

be/xbe mastery % 少了又怎样?
damage formula 有没有改都不知道,也许10%已经有很大改善了

se dmg% 少了又怎样?
soa 100% -〉130%,
se 40% -〉10%
还是那句,新的damage formula又没有公布,怎能一口咬定se比较差了?

再说,说明了是balancing patch,就是要把每个job距离拉近

使用道具 举报


发表于 21-6-2010 12:28 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yuyike5303 于 21-6-2010 12:32 AM 编辑

刚在fourm 看到坏消息 Vietnam ms 倒了。。。。。

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发表于 21-6-2010 12:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1629# yuyike5303



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发表于 21-6-2010 05:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1630# yw46

    这要看ASIASOFT聪明不聪明咯,老实说啦,从ASGF可以看得出他们比较注重SUDDEN ATTACK,可是MAPLE是他们最主要的赚钱来源。MAPLE是他们所有GAME当中最有地位而且没什么竞争对手的 (老实说,好的2D GAME现在真的很难找)。 SA有MW2,CS:S,BC2还有一大把FPS的GAME和他竞争,干脆收皮啦把注意力放在MAPLE上。

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发表于 21-6-2010 03:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
不过呢。。。 ...
ylc1986 发表于 20-6-2010 12:27 PM


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发表于 21-6-2010 07:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
我们的公会蛮多人读tarc 的
我妹妹也是读吉隆坡 tarc  嘛

然后她泊车在那个公园那边,被人放 tyre 风 那个workshop的人說的.


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发表于 21-6-2010 08:40 PM | 显示全部楼层

头痛星期三要用了可是google search的都是些废物

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发表于 21-6-2010 08:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
头痛星期三要用了可是google search的都是些废物
noob1988 发表于 21-6-2010 08:40 PM

我写学校的essay都惨了 ...

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发表于 22-6-2010 11:19 AM | 显示全部楼层
be/xbe mastery % 少了又怎样?
damage fo ...
stan24ley 发表于 20-6-2010 11:44 PM

反正到最后只是playing maple,slacking chatting jek~

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发表于 22-6-2010 11:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1634# noob1988

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发表于 22-6-2010 02:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1609# stan24ley

shind 住哪里的?wangsa maju?

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发表于 22-6-2010 05:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 1638# AnenehPirate


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发表于 22-6-2010 05:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
不然 ?

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