Dragon Age doesn't look amazing on the PC, but it's an attractive gamenonetheless. Zooming from an isometric view to a third-personperspective is slick, and while environments don't hold up quite aswell when viewed up close, they're consistently lovely when viewed fromabove. On the flip side, the Xbox 360 version looks positivelydisappointing. Textures are highly compressed and colors are washedout, though the upside is that this version maintains a smoother framerate than on the PlayStation 3, where things might get jittery whenswiveling the camera around. The PlayStation 3 version featureshigher-quality textures than those on the Xbox 360, better colorsaturation, smoother facial animations, and shorter load times. Minorvisual hiccups, like corpses that disappear and reappear, are a bitmore common on the PS3, however. The PC version is the superiorexperience, but if you're choosing between the two console releases,the PlayStation 3 has the upper hand. Some minor glitches are sharedbetween the console versions, however, such as rare occasions when thesoundtrack or voice-overs disappear.